Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Congratulations Templeton!

You had three fine people to chose from and I believe the people have spoken: No More Skeltons!
Congratulations to Mr. Morrison and Mr. Robinson, I look forward to serving with you both.
To my good friend and fellow Marine (former) I will say thank you for running, I will also say that you Pauly, like my father did, probably serve the people better as a watch dog of the town and its elected people. Templeton needs someone to look at things and speak up when they are or appear to be wrong. The blog you started has given the people a voice to be heard and unlike a certain newspaper from Gardner, you allow all to speak and to post, just sign your name. Again, thank you to the three candidates and thank you to all the people who attended candidates night (s) and who took time to vote.

Jeffrey Bennett


  1. The blog has done more than just provide a way for people to see the "Big Picture". It has done much to bring people together, to connect over a common cause. C4T has been in existence for over a year now. The blog, brought people together from different groups. Hutchies Dump, people from the seventies and the people who were against the dump in their back yards, years later. All of us have a love of our town, and are determined, want to see our government run for the benefit of all the voters and taxpayers. We have learned a valuable lesson in trust. Trust is good, but not too much in some instances. Like Bart says, "People get the government they deserve." If you do not vote for good people, or you do not vote at all, you get what you deserve. If we, do not pay attention, to how our town is run, we get what we deserve. Well, I guess we have learned a good lesson. I hope it is one we can pass on, so Templeton never gets in this position again. My opinion, Bev.

  2. Amen to that, Bev. Also, congratulations to the new BOS members & all who won. Pauly, thank you for this blog watch & the awareness you have brought forth on so many serious issues. You have been our modern day town crier! No one would have ever read the "other" side or real story in the Gsnooz! And a great big thanks for running for Selectman. Even though you have been through so much lately, you were still willing to try to get Templeton back on the right track. Glad you are feeling better. What an inspiration for all to see the dedication & fortitude you have shown, especially when others tried to downplay your concerns. Now, more & more people are beginning to see you were right all along!! I agree with Jeff, in that, I think your blog spot forum is the best thing for you to keep oversight on everybody without being constrained under regulations that might prohibit you from speaking freely. Lord knows we need you to keep that ability!! Thanks for helping us all to speak out!! All my thoughts & opinion.

  3. As Enough answered time and time again the overide question in support of it why no sign for it at the red barn. Use it for the votes and why not support it? Templeton was lucky to have had 3 good candidates for selectman.Doug,Pauly,Kenn. Templeton can now feel proud of their select board!
    That is my "opinion". Now lets get to work!
    And jeff makes 4!
    Stay Safe Jeff.
    Dave Smart

  4. There seems to be yet another issue regarding ownership of the red trailer used on election day, first off I Mike Ferris a ma dealer am the owner of the red car trailer. At no time now or has it ever been owned by stevie brehio and anyone that has stated in prior blogs previous years that it was owned by him is full of bull. I am the second owner of the car trailer it was purchased from a friend of mine that lives in Nh. Being a Ma dealer i am not required to pay any excise taxes on the trailer the trailer is for sale for $4500 so if anyone wishes to purchase the historical election day trailer then come on down. Sue knows all the rules and regulations on excise taxes just like the little white pickup that she rides in to work with a dealer plate, the truck is for sale so she has every right to ride in the truck with a dealer plate it is legal, also we pay an excise tax on the individual plates we do not pay an excise tax on the vehicle we pay on the plate. Isn't that right Sue? Also i want to add the anyone is more the welcome to borrow the trailer for election day stevie is the only one that ever has asked. Now as for the drop off on monday night when the school was asked if they were ok with the use of the trailer parked on school grounds the high ups stated that they had no issues with the trailer but they requested that the trailer be dropped off on monday evening so as not to disrupt the morning school and election traffic. The requested was granted due to the allowing the use of the land for the trailer setup. Kenn, doug pauly or gerry were all more than welcome to borrow the trailer but Like i said no one else has asked. I hope this clears up all the ownership issues with the red car trailer, and if it hasn't been sold it probably will be there again next year. These are not opinions these are all facts and anyone that wishes to challenge these facts are more than welcome to come down during business hours and discuss them. Other than that good luck to all the newly elected selectman hopefully the town can move ahead in a positive way into the future and stop all the fighting.

    mike ferris
    hubbardston rd.
    templeton ma

    1. Real Sneaky!!! The town can move forward if the losers will stop interferring and stop the lying, RIGHT MIKEY.

    2. The fighting will end once GS supporters stop swearing in front of children and women and stop threatening to literally fight people who ask them to stop said inappropriate behavior. Last year, other people's property was moved without permission in order to place that red trailer at the election. That was not cool or fair. Plus, the people who stood in front of it proceeded to give the finger, swear and harass people walking or driving by that showed support for other candidates. So, when it shows up the night before at the election this year, it seemed like history repeating itself and reignited negative feelings. I would suggest that next year the red trailer be left at home as it seems to bring bad luck to the candidates who use it. The point is, set up your camp when everyone else does. That way, the candidate you are supporting will appear to be playing by the same rules as the other candidates. Its better PR. If you're using something so grand that it would disrupt traffic in order to bring it in, its probably best to not use it. Its nice of you to offer it to anyone to use. But, I think its presence is forever tainted.

    3. Mr. Ferris can lend his trailer to whomever as long as it is registered or has a plate on it and it is parked according to the law. MGL chapter 54, section 65 states in part "no poster, card, handbill, placard, picture or circular intended to influence the action of the voter shall be posted, circulated or distributed in the polling place, in the building where the polling place is located, on the walls thereof, on the premises on which the building is located or 150 feet from the entrance door to such polling place." So if the red trailer was parked on school grounds with political signs on it, it appears that is in violation of the voting laws of the Commonwealth.

  5. Well I guess it's obvious Red Trailers do not win elections, Balloons do! You go Kenn!!!!

  6. In response to mr. Bennett the trailer was parked well away from polling place more than 150'. I agree movin on the fighting and swearing needs to stop on both side just like when everyone walked out of the gym after votes were tallied up and mr Casper was yelling at everyone as we all walked out stating that he had everyone by the balls now that was also inappropriate so both side need to clean there act up. Mr. Consentino was sitting right in his truck when the yelling occurred.
    Mike ferris
    Hubbardston re.

  7. but if it was on school grounds, as on the premises of the building in which the polling place is located, that is in violation of the law still.

  8. Even though being on school grounds was a "technical" violation of the MGL that Jeff quoted, I feel an exception may have been appropriate due to the road construction. Besides all the other candidates were on school grounds also. Where is the harm? If you really want to get picky, the Lions club is obstructing traffic and I am sure violating some law when they have their annual "voluntary toll" collection in the center of town. Nobody complains about that, do they? I feel the best response would be to ignore the red barn tactics and do not lower yourselves to their level. Even though I do not support Mr. Skelton and his minions, he could be Jesus Christ himself and you whiners would find fault anyway.
    "just my opinion supported by my opinion"

  9. I do not consider it to be whining to point out violations of our election laws. But it was nice to see everyone violating them. And remember, back in 2011, it was only a technical violation of the law to transport the ballots without sealing the boxes from the polling place to the town clerks office. The harm comes on what could follow, we do it again next year then again the following and pretty soon, we all do it and then people are inundated with material as they try to go to the door just to vote. It is called intimidation. The next thing is we would have "bullying at the polls" Then we have fellows like stevie brehio chasing people down and having the police involved, would you really want him to be at the door to the polling place? I guess we could petition the legislature to abolish that law. I mean what harm could there be in allowing candidates to sit at the polling place entry point and tell you to "vote for me" as you walk thru the door. Of course, everyone can just pay the $20.00 fine and see ya next year.

    1. Jeff, Excellent points --all. I still think there needs to be some wiggle room such as road construction causing a possibly dangerous situation. Have you never broken the speed limit? I appreciate your participation and you are certainly entitled to your incorrect opinion :)
      P.S. Thank you for your service.
      P.P.S. I was not referring to you as a whiner. There are a couple of others though that whine and whine and contribute nothing positive in the way of solutions

    2. As an example to whiners vs. contributors: Instead of continuing to complain about the school budget how many have contacted Ms. Miller directly about their concerns and complaints? I have. I sent a very long email with some pointed questions, including questioning her academic credentials. She answered all my concerns. I also subsequently met with her personally to express why I thought so many people are against the override. How many people have done so? No, they would rather bitch on the blog and not bother to obtain any factual information, probably for fear of not getting the answers they would like.
      Just my opinions supported by my opinions.
