Friday, November 22, 2013

Nuclear Option...Compromise

State sets Spencer-East Brookfield school budget at $23.45M; compromise requires both school and town cuts


SPENCER — The state has set a compromise school budget for the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District that will force cuts in both municipal and education spending.

The budget figure, $23,451,588, is $120,000 more than voters from the two district towns approved at a regional meeting in October, but less than what school officials had hoped for.

Education commissioner Mitchell D. Chester also ruled that the $120,000 must be set aside "for potential liabilities," interim Superintendent Edward Malvey said.

School committee members will review budget cuts on Dec. 10, days after Spencer voters go to town meeting to retool the town's spending plan for fiscal 2014, which is nearly half over.

Spencer Town Administrator Adam D. Gaudette said he's pleased the state Department of Elementary and Secondary Education appears to have taken seriously the town's plea for a reasonable budget that would not force deep cuts to municipal services.

"I'm not exactly celebrating and popping the champagne," he said. "But I'm glad there was a compromise."

By late afternoon Thursday, Mr. Gaudette had compiled a list of his recommendations for additional cuts to the budget that will be presented to voters Dec. 5. The town's senior work program, which allows a tax abatement for low-income elders, will be discontinued. Town officials will no longer receive stipends, and overtime accounts will be slashed. Expense accounts will also be greatly reduced, he said.

"But we will not lay off anyone," he said, adding that he is relieved after a tense week in which town employees anxiously waited to see if they would lose their jobs or see their hours and benefits cut.

While the budget number won't require a tax override, Mr. Gaudette said one likely will be needed for next year's budget. Selectmen have already said they will scrutinize every line of every department's budget because, before the next fiscal year starts, the town's budget will have a $600,000 deficit.

He said both the town and school department are moving backward, having to make cuts instead of replacing lost personnel and services.

The news of the state budget figure was upsetting to school committee members, with Kevin Hayes calling the decision "the coal in your stocking," and echoing Vincent P. Cloutier's earlier statements about state oversight of the district, which will remain in place.

"I'm disappointed in the number," he said. "It's disappointing to have given up our rights to have control over our own destiny."


  1. Oh! Look! A COMPROMISE! What the heck is that?

    Vote Bennett for school committee!

    Vote Mitchell for Selectman!

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    The nuclear option should never be used.

    Personally, I can't wait to take out nomination papers for school committee this spring!

    I support Bennett because I believe he will NOT use the NUCLEAR OPTION to secure funding for the school department.

    I support Mitchell because I believe he will NOT use the NUCLEAR OPTION to secure funding for the school department.

    I will run for school committee because I will NOT use the NUCLEAR OPTION to secure funding for the school department.

    How many of our current school committee members (NRSD) feel Santa Claus is a legitimate funding mechanism for the schools?
    i.e.: "The news of the state budget figure was upsetting to school committee members, with Kevin Hayes calling the decision "the coal in your stocking,"

  2. Now the Templeton taxpayers know they have a fair chance (at least a chance) that the state will look at both sides of the budget issue. There is no more saying the state will come in and give the school everything they want and it will be higher than what has been presented. If anyone takes the time to look back, that is exactly what was said by some who said what ever the school says they need should be given to them because if the state comes in they (the school) will get more. I wanted this to happen in Templeton because I believed both sides would get a look. The taxpayers in East Brookfield and Spencer told that to the school committee at their joint town meeting. When this happens again in Templeton, I hope the taxpayers here do the same thing, that is take the process all the way to the end. Templeton taxpayers now have a plan, a case that exactly mirrors their district, two town school district and the state did not give the school everything they wanted and they did not give them more.

  3. The only thing you two want to do is run this town financially into the ground. Penny pinching and cutting will only get you so far. Then what??

    Rather than sit behind a computer researching ways to take down NRSD and TMLWP, why don't you use the time you've been given as elected officials wisely and start pounding the pavement to bring new businesses and residents to Templeton.

    Any citizens who wasted their votes on either of you should be upset with the amount of time you've wasted on pushing personal agendas rather than moving Templeton forward to a better, brighter future.

    And you both should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Just sayin

    1. I'm not ashamed of identifying problems in the town of Templeton.

      Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 has created many problems and issues for the Town.

      It's not penny pinching. It's accountability..a very foreign concept in Templeton.

      I believe it is Selectman Robinson's initiative ..Open for Business.

      Wouldn't want to steal his thunder…you know..pounding the pavement and all that.

      No shame here.

      Feeling pretty good TIB

      Have a great weekend

  4. Dissapointing, but I also agree with TIB. Could you two please stop pushing your agendas to cut, cut,cut the school. At the rate your going, you'll have em all closed in two years.

    1. Puffy, and TIB, that is what people call " living within your means!!" This is the way smart people lived before the idea of credit cards came on the scene. Just how many administrators does it take to oversee our small number of children in our public schools?? What good did adding another vice principal do for the children? Do the principal and vice principal of the high school, have a schedule so they don't run into the principal and vice principal of the middle school in the halls? It is not like we have 1000,00 or 2000,00 kids going to our school, and this is not a big city school filled with gangs waiting to take each other out. So get real !! This looks more and more to me like a number of this group are getting ready to retire, and every dollar they can pad their pay now, means more for them in the future. Our town is what it is. We are not wealthy. not even close ! Yes some people make good money if they work for Light/.Water or the schools. Other than that the younger people travel to work and may make more than people my age did when we worked, but their debt is most likely higher than anything I ever dreamed of and the cost of living today has out done what most people make. What you call Julie's and Jeff's agendas are what the people told the school more than once when they voted no to the request for more money. Our schools will "not be closed in two years", but just maybe they will run more efficiently, and will really run with the needs of the children in mind. The vote to cover the losses the town would have suffered, was for the workers of the town, and I know the elderly people were afraid of being stranded, without roads plowed, and not being able to get help in a emergency. I can bet the farm that we will not go through that again. Thank you Spencer/West Brookfield for a good job done. Bev.

    2. Bev, What is more important! Teaching our children & keeping them safe? Or cutting grass!

      I am done wasting my time on you until you actually attend a SC meeting, make an attempt to be informed about what you say, & stop comparing todays schools to those of 60 years ago.

    3. I do support the schools when they teach what the young people need to know to get a job, or go to school and come out with the skills to actually get a job, or do something constructive. The teachers are a lot like the guys that work for Light and Water. Most of the benefits and fat is sucked up by the people at the top, so what good does it do for the people who actually work with the kids, or do the dangerous work on the lines. I am not comparing this School with the one I graduated from, because time has changed, but it is still not right to tell parents the children will pay a price if the union does not get what it wants. The best part is that there was plenty of money for a new vice principal, when a couple of mothers with special needs did not get the services promised when they spoke to Ms. Miller. If you are done wasting your time with me, that is just fine, because when you come right down to it, you are pushing your agenda as much as anyone else. Think about that for a minute or so, lol. Bev.

    4. WOW. If you know so much about IEP's (even know what one is?), and school management, and mandates, & scheduling, &requirements.....GO TO A GD SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING!!!!!

      And dont just run in squaking like a fool about OML's...actually go, learn, & be informed.

    5. OML violations are OML violations and they are decided by the open government division of the AG's office... Whether you understand IEPs or not. It's just a a matter of posting a meeting properly so people can attend if they so choose.

      Clap*clap* clap*

      Vote Bennett for school committee!

      Vote Mitchell for Selectman!

      Remember the past to ensure a better future.

      The nuclear option should never be used.

      Personally, I can't wait to take out nomination papers for school committee this spring!

      I support Bennett because I believe he will NOT use the NUCLEAR OPTION to secure funding for the school department.

      I support Mitchell because I believe he will NOT use the NUCLEAR OPTION to secure funding for the school department.

      I will run for school committee because I will NOT use the NUCLEAR OPTION to secure funding for the school department.

    6. IEPs have nothing to do with OMLs....GOOD GOD! Bev was speaking of special needs kids as if she has clue, & I guarantee that as long as you dont tell her, she doesnt even know what it stands for. The ONLY SC meeting shes been to, was to make a foo
      l of herself, probably at your behest, yet comes on here spouting about that which she does not know.

    7. Oh, &again.... doesnt the bylaw we JUST passed state you cant serve on 2 elected boards at the same time??

    8. Puffy,
      Didn't win anything at the turkey raffle. Have to take it out on the blog. Give it a rest. And yes .. we can serve on boards at the same time ..especially school committee.

      Have fun researching that one!

  5. Down hear on the lower forty we are always questioning what it is that we are teaching our children. A six grade education that emphasizes the individual and is strong in readin, ritin and rithmatic is worth a whole lot more that an outcome based education emphasizing the ten points of the Communist Manifesto that in turn makes us a willing slave to the State and large corporations. It is good to ask lots of questions so we can figure out just what it is thats getting taught and where all our money is going.

  6. If you read what was written, the town had to cut also. So what happens when the town employees lose what they just got back. BOO HOO

    1. So who wins?

      BOO HOO.

      No one wins when the nuclear option is used.

      Got It? Is that getting through to you yet?

      NO ONE wins.

      The only way forward is to work together. To COMPROMISE.

      What the heck is that?

  7. A while back, I wrote that with the number of students in the school system, there should just about be enough voting parents to make an override for the school pass. If you do the math, the numbers are there yet the override failed in Templeton and Phillipston. Why is that do you suppose? It is because no one wants to raise taxes on themselves, plain cold hard truth. We now see that the state looks at both sides of the budget situation, town and school. Now if consolidation works and saves some taxpayer money, how can that be wrong? That goes for the school and the town.

    1. And what are you suggesting the town consolidate?

    2. Cold hard truth,

      what's that Mr. Bennett?

      Where's Truthy when you need him?

    3. WoW truth, you have serious issues, I am wondering if you were schooled by your father-in-law, When I found out who you were, all the dots were connected as to why you are such a crazy, uninformed, retaliatory, person. It was not too long ago you sat along side Julie and were actually for the town. It was your own doing why you are now angry. Maybe scrapping is more your speed.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Truthy,
      Once again:

      Vote Bennett for school committee!

      Vote Mitchell for Selectman!

      Remember the past to ensure a better future.

      The nuclear option should never be used.

      Personally, I can't wait to take out nomination papers for school committee this spring!

      I support Bennett because I believe he will NOT use the NUCLEAR OPTION to secure funding for the school department.

      I support Mitchell because I believe he will NOT use the NUCLEAR OPTION to secure funding for the school department.

      I will run for school committee because I will NOT use the NUCLEAR OPTION to secure funding for the school department.

      You might want to start your own blog where you can rant and rave all day long. You have some serious issues. I hope your rants on the blog are having a therapeutic effect.

    9. ....still no answer on your suggestions for consolidating town jobs.

  8. Administration + Administration ? That has been said over and over!
    Don't you get it? It should be a match Dollar for Dollar. Lets say @ 2 to 1.
    Done by a School/town shrinking.
    Set the goal at the next budgets and see how we can reduce the Administration costs.
    With all the increases in town we are pushing the limits for the people who are already breaking budgets of their own.
    I can't imagine how the elderly will cope with whats being done to them all at once!
    Shame on the Light and Water Commission!
    Remove the thoughtless commissioners one at a time.

  9. Thinks I be offerin' a view from de hood. Last I be checkin, der use to be 3's ah secretaries in da 'selectmen office and now what we gots is 2 doin thee same works. So can anyones be tellin' me how much dat save? Just that little move and is work still bein done? I have to ask the huff if ya thinks that could work at de school? Little trimmin' here and der and see what happens. Now for Huffn', can you tell me bouts dat wood burnin stove they wants to put in the school, how much dat cost to buy and put in and who be payin for it, you know, up front?

  10. Good points sisstah, but I must say, the things that are getting done in the selectmen's office are due to the super efforts of Kate and Holly. The selectmen could easily use one more person to pick up the slack. Puffy does not appreciate me but I could care less. The thing I do care about is the people in our community and the right for them to know what is going on, so that they can make good decisions. The bottom line is there is only so much money to share between the town and the schools. Sharing is the key to making this work, and that is what has to be done. The town can not continue to go through this kind of up set, year after year. It is not healthy for anyone and is costly, something the town can not afford. Puffy, do we see you at a selectmen's meeting ? Oh yes, I almost forgot !! How would I even know it was you, because even though you feel content to bash the people on this blog, you don't have the courage to use your name !! Is that because people would know the truth, that you really are not such a nice person after all, or you or your partner work for the school and have your own self interest in mind. Just some things to think about, have a nice day Bev.
