Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Town mulls whether to pursue $75K gift

Town mulls whether to pursue $75K gift

Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Members of the Board of Selectmen are mulling whether to pursue a $75,000 gift connected to a now discontinued housing development, although they acknowledge doing so could result in a legal challenge.

“Personally, I see this as an opportunity for the town to obtain a cash settlement,” said selectmen Chairman Jeffrey Bennett. “It’s a funding source, start-up money that we could use rather than raising it out of taxation.”

In 2009, Edgewood Development Company LLC offered a gift of $75,000 for the town to use toward improvements to Gilman Waite Field and the Templeton Common.

At the time, the company was planning to construct a housing development on Dudley Road.

The project was discontinued following the housing market’s collapse, and the land was sold to the state for conservation purposes. Edgewood has now requested to be released from its gift commitment.

“We can’t tax that land anymore, so we lost revenue,” said Selectman Julie Farrell.

During discussion of documents and the request from Edgewood President Gerard Lorusso, Mr. Bennett pointed out that although the project is discontinued, the town could still have a right to the gift based on the wording of the agreement.

“It appears that if nothing is done by Aug. 25, 2015, Edgewood could be held to the cash payment,” he said.

Although board members said they could have a right to a gift of either cash or in-kind services, they acknowledge pursuing either could result in a costly legal battle.

“How willing they are to own up to it or fight? I don’t know,” Mr. Bennett said.

In other business, the selectmen Monday approved a new set of hours for several town departments following voters’ backing of Proposition 2 1/2 override funding to restore hours that were previously cut.

“We’re trying to build consistency for the public,” said Selectman Doug Morrison.

Effective Nov. 18, the offices of the selectmen, Board of Assessors, the treasurer, tax collector, town clerk and Board of Health will be Monday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Wednesday and Thursday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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