Wednesday, December 18, 2013

December 16 2013 BOS Meeting… the movie

December 16, 2013 BOS Meeting…
the movie

Part 1 of the December 16, 2013  BOS Meeting

Part 2 of the December 16, 2013  BOS Meeting

Part 3 of the December 16, 2013  BOS Meeting

Part 4 of the December 16, 2013  BOS Meeting

Get comfortable. You’re gonna be a while. Enjoy.


  1. Not responsible for the sound quality. You would think after the use of the nuclear option, the school committee would fund the media program at Gansett and provide decent equipment.

    1. Do you even pay for use of the space & equipment? Maybe the school should stop letting you use their stuff if your so against them.

  2. Puffy,
    I'm not against the school. I was just pointing out that the school has $188,000 in E &D. Maybe some of that money could be put toward equipment in the KIVA so people can hear the meetings. You can't hear the school committee meetings either. E & D are resources from both communities. It would make sense to use that money to improve the recording capabilities in the KIVA.

  3. Puffy, Mrs. Farrell is a taxpayer along with most of the other people in that room, so why don't you knock it off. None of us are "against the school" believe it or not. The failure of the leadership of the school is what I have a problem with. No one committee can drain the town of money and expect it to run. The Light and Water Departments have good size payrolls and the school's administration is not far behind. The Light and Water use money we do not control, or even see and the School Administration uses it's budget to fund a payroll that is not far behind. Templeton is not Belmont or Arlington. I have heard Ms. Haley Brooks say we do not pay enough taxes ! I do not know who she is talking about but I know it is not me, and I am sure there are others that feel the same way. We will need to find a way our of the mess we are in, as it is, so enough with the "poor school" routine. I have no idea how a room full of kids can hear what is going on either, it seems investing some of the "fat money" would have been a good idea. Bev.

    1. The failure of leadership is at the top, Bev, not the middle. School leadership is just playing the hand they are dealt. The reasons the tax rate is too low, & there is no business in town falls squarely on the BOS.

  4. Just for the record, I thought the taxpayers of Templeton and Phillipston already pay for that equipment and space thru their assessments and state taxes which is where chapter 70 aid comes from. The school police officer is from Templeton, training, benefits and pay provided by taxpayers of Templeton. The list goes on so Huff, in fairness, I think the people of Templeton do indeed pay for that space and equipment. Besides, if we are all one, why would you try to further drive a divide between the town and the school by making a statement like that. Seems you are becoming what you speak against. Sound quality is not the best at selectmen meetings. meetings at the Kiva and town meeting. Until we upgrade or move to better equipment all around, we deal with it. It solves nothing to make that statement huff. What I would like to hear is your solution for that situation, the sound quality. There is equipment for people to use while in the audience to aid in hearing the speakers who do not speak loudly or who by nature are soft spoken. Thanks for the input Huff who ever you are.

    1. Jeff, I am only showing the wedge between Julie & reality. Remember, I believe their can be no wedge, as the school is the biggest thing we have. The School IS The Town.

      As for the equipment, their are lots of things that they need school wide, & I dont think that is high up on the list. It would seem to me, that it is probably Drama Club equipment, & I guarantee they dont have a big budget. Maybe a donation or fund raiser is in order.

    2. Puffy, Poison Ivy, no matter who you are, Julie is not the reason the world according to Puffy, is not going the way he/she wants things to go. Just to set you straight Puffy," the School IS the town" ??? Since when did that happen?? The fact is, the schools can not survive without the town's support. The school is a department in the town and needs to share what the town has for receipts, and what they can get for grants. Will the school stay open if the roads are not plowed, or the money stops coming in ? The fact that you think the "school is the town" is very troubling, because it makes me think you do not have the rest of the departments as a priority, and that is very sad. If you need a show and tell, make believe the town is a big oak tree. The tree trunk is the town and the roots are the tax payers. The schools are a branch a long with the rest of the departments that are also branches. If the roots and the trunk do not get what they need, do to a variety of reasons, the tree will be sick and may die, or not be able to provide what is needed to keep the tree as a whole healthy. One of the branches taking more than it's share will weaken the whole tree, simply because that is how it is in nature and life. Do you understand what I have just told you ?? If you cannot understand the place the Schools are in within the grand scheme of things, nothing will get better. It is about time you stay focused on facts and issues and leave personalities out of of discussions like the one you made in response to Jeff's blog. Contribute something worth while or stay off the blog. Thank you. Bev. .

    3. YOU ARE VERY WRONG BEV. The school is the trunk!!!! It is the only thing in town, it is the biggest, employs the most, &affects every single person in town every single day. All other depts combined dont do that. Every single one of us went to school, all our kids go there, & everyone in the future will go. The reality is, without a school , you'd have nothing else. It is, far & away, THE most important thing in town.

      On a personal note, you have contributed more drivel to this blog than I could even think of. Just because we disagree, doesnt make my comments worthless, it means we approach the problems from opposite ends. You prefer to sit pat, & hope the duck changes it's feathers. I prefer to fix the root cause, no $, & a lack of leadership.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Hey puffy ..I will Give Up my Name ..Front and Center..for you to do the same..If you don't have anything to offey.. then you , shut up... we have heard ENOUGH .. IS Enough.. Peace Out ...

    6. Puffy, What I tried to say was it was time you stopped attacking people for what they say or do, when it is nothing but a personal attack. I do not care one ounce if you like me or agree with me at all. I sign my name and people are free to let me know if I am wrong. The people on the boards in town spend time trying to make things better. They do the best they can. Julie has invested hundreds of hours working for the people in this town. People may differ on her approach but I can tell you she is honest, and will not cover for anyone, and I respect her for that. Lets see, how many hours have you spent working for the good of the town?? Not many is my guess, and due to the fact that you think you are the only one trying to fix anything, you are a little late to the party. It is easy to be critical when you can hide behind a false name, and I am sure a good majority of the people would not agree with your opinion that the "school is the trunk"!! Bev.

  5. Puffy,
    I believe in a prior blog you were asked to describe how to bring business to Templeton. Since you believe that is a solution to the problem, ...And I AGREE...could you please provide some insight on bringing business to Templeton.

    What would YOU do if you were a leader ? Since you insist there is no leadership in Templeton...
    Maybe YOU should consider running for office.Puffy for Board of Health maybe?

    Just keeping it real as in reality Puffy.

    1. & as I answered previously answered, my thought is to do whatever it takes to get a distribution center at the old Templeton Mall spot. I know companies are looking for a spot in central Mass, including Price Chopper, Walmart, Hannafords, etc.... Although, I admit, I have no idea how to get that process started.

  6. Please define "whatever it takes " ... That area of town does not have sewer. To extend sewer lines down to Exit 19 would cost roughly 8-9 million dollars. Are you suggesting adding an additional 8-9 million dollars on the sewer rate payers to fund this project?

    Why not focus on Exit 20 which already has water and sewer? Any business along that section of Baldwinville Rd would help expand the tax base and already has the needed infrastructure.

    1. Seeing the Board of Selectmen has their plates full trying to cope with the pressing problems the town is facing now, it would be nice of you to help out. Not only do we need to find a way out of our financial mess, we need to get out of the building on Athol Road. To do that we need money to fix the roof on the East Templeton School, or just move in the way it is. We can no longer keep throwing money away. If we have not hit the bottom of the barrel we are pretty close. Any and all ideas will be welcome. This is not the time to be picky. Bev.
