Saturday, December 28, 2013

Special Election: Water department management, budget decisions on agenda

Special Election: Water department management, budget decisions on agenda

Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON --- With January’s Special Election fast approaching, the vacant Board of Selectmen seat isn’t the only issue set to appear on the agenda for voter consideration.

In addition to electing a new member to the board, voters will also be asked their opinion on a non-binding referendum to rescind a vote taken over 13 years ago.

The question specifically deals with Chapter 93 of the Acts of 2000, which placed the town of Templeton’s water department under the jurisdiction of the Templeton Municipal Light Commission. Previously, the Board of Selectmen controlled the water department and when the measure was put forward, the transfer passed.

Since that time, the management of the water department has been a hot-button issue, leaving many on both sides frustrated.

“With Templeton’s town government in the shape that it’s in, a lot of us wonder how or why they still have time to put something together like this, as if it is an emergency,” said Templeton’s Municipal Light & Water Department Manager John Driscoll. “This vote could easily be replaced by a public hearing on the matter.”

While the vote itself is non-binding, the language used implies further action may be taken by the board based on the results. Members have not hidden their dissatisfaction with the Light Department’s management and their desire to bring the water department back under their control.

Last May and June similar binding measures were brought forward, with each attempt soundly defeated. Mr. Driscoll said he is confident the latest non-binding referendum will suffer the same fate.

“But if it isn’t, and the majority of Templeton voters want the water department run by the same group who just discovered they are missing $505,000 after getting an override passed for another $560,000, then they will have to take it over the correct way.”

The Special Election is being held to replace Virginia Wilder, who vacated her seat in May. The term will expire in May 2014, giving the newly elected winner four months in office. There was talk of holding the election in June, then October, but the board was concerned over spending the money on an election for a term only lasting six months.

The election will be held on January 14th, with polls open from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Narragansett Middle School.


Please refer to the Left Sidebar for information on  Chapter 93 Acts of 2000

Information Regarding Non Binding Question
Chapter 93 Acts of 2000

Letter to Water Customers – 23 % increase for FY 14…more increases planned to pay for prior projects that have been bonded for 40 years

Tighe & Bond Water Rate Study – no new capital improvements listed. Where is the capital improvement plan? Why weren’t the 60 year-old water mains on Baldwinville Rd replaced BEFORE Baldwinville Rd was repaved?

Water Financial Statements – page 2 “We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets of the Templeton, Massachusetts, Municipal Water Department (an enterprise fund of the Town of Templeton, Massachusetts)…

Return of Money to Casella from Water Department

On November 13, 2008 a check was made out to Casella Waste Systems in the amount of $369,681.40.  This “settlement” was never brought before town meeting even though it is significantly more than $1,000. (See Bylaw Article VII – Legal Affairs section 2)

The invoice itemizes the total as $142,671.47 from account 29-3-350-000 (FB Zone 2 Delineation Water department) and $227,009.93 from account 63-3-300-000 (Landfill Enterprise Account). There was no explanation of how the water department came by this money from Casella. There is no record of a town meeting vote giving any money to the water department for the Zone II delineation.

Now in December 2013 water rates have increased 23%...because there isn’t enough money to run the water department.

Timeline for Chapter 93 Acts of 2000
Transfer of water department operations to Light department

July 6, 1999 Light Department minutes.

August 3, 1999 Light Department minutes . Sean Hamilton states the merger of Water with light will be beneficial for Sewer department.

August 16, 1999 Water meeting (BOS)

September 7,1999 Light Department minutes.  Reference is made to a negative letter from Chris Ryan(town coordinator at that time). “A motion was made by Sean Hamilton, seconded by Dana Blais and unanimously voted to have Attorney Jack Ferriter review the proposal and draft a legal petition for insertion in the town warrant or town ballot.” In my opinion this is where this proposal to merge water with light goes from a friendly merger to a hostile takeover.

October 5, 1999 Light Department minutes.

November 2, 1999 Light Department minutes.

November 15, 1999 Water minutes (BOS)

December 7, 1999 Light Department minutes. On page 3 of these minutes is a reference to PCBs in the river near the wells of the water system of which the Light department is trying to take control. Gregg Edwards is listed as a commissioner.

December 20, 1999 Water meeting (BOS)

January 10, 2000 Light Department minutes.

February 1, 2000 Light Department minutes.

February 14, 2000 Water meeting (BOS)

February 22, 2000 Water meeting (BOS)

March 7, 2000 Light Department minutes.

Meeting attendance 84 total. 39 voters from Precinct A. 45 voters from Precinct B. the warrant article to merge water with light passes Town meeting.

Timeline Continued

April 4, 2000 Light Department minutes. Discussion of letter from Attorney John Ferriter regarding  how to operate the water enterprise fund. “Presently the Selectmen submit articles for any repairs or projects which is not necessary.”  Bottom of page 1.

May 2, 2000 Light Department minutes. Page 2 “ The manager [Mr. Skelton] told the Commissioners that if the merger takes place we will have some serious work to return the Water Department to a viable entity of the Town. The Commissioners agreed but felt it can be accomplished.”

June 6, 2000 Light Department minutes. Discussion of ballot election for merger of light and water now that the special legislation is approved.

June 20, 2000. Light Department minutes.

July 3, 2000 Light Department minutes. Ballot election set for September 12, 2000.

August 8, 2000 Light Department minutes.

September 5, 2000 Light Department minutes. Check out “Other Business”. Then go back and read the paragraph beginning…” The Commissioners and the Manager discussed a water meeting they attended at the selectmen’s office.”

September 11, 2000 Light Department minutes. “The Manager received a phone call from the Town clerk informing the Light Department that the vote merge the Light and Water Departments passed by a vote of 230 in favor and 83 against.”  Departments to merge on January 9, 2001.

The Light department paid for the ballot election to merge the Light and Water departments. Schedule of Payments to Treasurer.

October 3, 2000 Light Department minutes.

October 30, 2000 Light Department minutes open session. Advertise for a water superintendent.

Timeline Continued

October 30, 2000 Light Department minutes executive session. In my opinion this is where the management structure of the Light and Water department becomes unsustainable. Organizational structure – An Electrical Superintendent, A Water Superintendent and the Manager oversees it all. Old structure before “hostile takeover” one person – Harry Aldrich was the Highway Superintendent, Water Superintendent and Sewer Superintendent. Bruce Evans operated the treatment plant.

November 7, 2000 Light Department minutes open session. On page 2, “The Manager updated the Commissioners in regard to meeting he attended with the Sewer Commissioners to discuss the sewer billings and how the information would flow from department to department.”  On page 3 the Commissioners vote themselves a raise.

November 7, 2000. Light Department minutes executive session. Everyone gets a raise! Not even legally in charge of the water department.

December 5, 2000. Light Department minutes. On page 2, …”The sewer commissioners voted to contribute $25,000 toward phase I which is the replacement of 200 water meters that are presently in stock at the Highway department.”

January 2, 2001. Light Department minutes.

Other Supporting Documents

Legal invoices paid by the light department to take over water department.

“Citizen Petition” signature sheets gathered by the Light department to call for a special town meeting to request special legislation to merge water department with the light department.

A Letter from the Inspector General, Gregory Sullivan, dated December 6, 2007 promoting “accountability and responsibility in our public utilities.” 


  1. The feedback from a non-binding referendum question is important.

    The BOS has enough to deal with. If Chapter 93 Acts of 2000 were rescinded, the job of overseeing the public water supply does NOT have to fall to the BOS

    Consider the possibilities of a water / sewer department or a DPW....with a set of commissioners to over see water/sewer possibly highway. Imagine the possibility of the water and sewer department working cooperatively and sharing resources .

    One bill for both water and sewer.

    It is possible.

  2. or you could have the light and water take over the sewer/highway dept wouldn't that make a fun time ..jusst look at all the raises they would get !!

    1. imagine those rates! The only way this works is by raising rates. Overrides require voter support. They can , have and will continue to raise the rates to support their structural deficits.

  3. VOTE DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for better future

  4. Vote Mitchell for Selectman.

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.

  5. To ensure a better future VOTE DIANE HALEY-BROOKS so that the past is not repeated

  6. Vote Mitchell for Selectman.

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.
