Friday, January 10, 2014

Board holds real estate entity accountable

Board holds real estate entity accountable

Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — The Board of Selectmen voted Monday to hold real estate company Edgewood Development responsible for the remainder of a $75,000 settlement owed to the town after the company’s housing project fell through.

“They signed a legal, binding agreement,” said Chairman Jeffrey Bennett, whose frustration was echoed by both the board and those in attendance. “It’s a funding source we should hold them to.”

In 2009, Edgewood planned to build a 69-lot housing subdivision along Dudley Road, but after the housing market collapse, the project was dropped and the land sold to the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

As part of the original contract, the company offered a $75,000 gift agreement to be paid in either cash or in-kind services if nothing was done with the land by August 2015. The funding was slated to be split between Gilman-Waite Field and the Common Improvement Committee.

The Plainville-based company asked to be released from the hefty agreement with the town in November and were denied.

Edgewood has since paid the town approximately half of the $75,000.

Planning Board Committee Vice Chair Bob Whalen reminded the board how difficult it was for them to secure the original project, saying that the town “bent over backwards” for the company.

“The planning board negotiated long and hard,” Mr. Whalen said. “And they agreed to do this.”

Edgewood Development Vice President Timothy Higgins did not attend the meeting, although he spoke with The Gardner News prior, stating that his company wished to be let out of the agreement since it was clear the development would not be going forward. He also said that gift agreements were a standard company practice.

Despite his absence, board member Julie Farrell expressed a reluctance to reopen the issue at a later date and advised the board to stick to their original vote to pursue payment.

The selectmen voted 3-0 in favor of pursuing the payment, with member Kenn Robinson abstaining.

The board also agreed that if the remaining money was obtained it would be granted to the planning board.


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