Monday, January 6, 2014

Meetings 1/6/14 thru 1/10/14

Meetings 1/6/14 thru 1/10/14

Monday 1/6/14

Sewer Commission              Reservoir St.              4:30 pm

BOS                                   690 Patriots Rd              6:30 pm

Tuesday 1/7/14

Community Development       690 Patriots Rd       1 + 6 pm

Capital Planning                     690 Patriots Rd       6:30 pm

Wednesday 1/8/14

MPO                             Fitchburg                     1 pm

Assessors                     2 School St.                     2 pm

Housing Authority       Phoenix Court              4 pm

Advisory Board              690 Patriots Rd              6:30 pm

Thursday 1/9/14

Cemetery/ Parks              690 Patriots Rd              6:30 pm

Senior Center                     Scout Hall                     6:30 pm

Board of Health              2 School St.                     7:00 pm      


  1. So what about The Water Break @ the Light Co..over the weekend...reports say damage to 1st floore..Frozen Pipe @ N.R.H.S.Monday Morn.....reports.... Royal Steam On the Job .....And an other break now.. What's Up ??

  2. The Gardner News says it is a problem with a smoke detector. Seems they should have sprung for more insulation, but I guess it does not really matter to them, because you and I pay the bills in the end. Bev.

    1. Bev, u cant refuse to give them money, then bitch cuz they dont spend money. Jesus....pick a side!!!!!

    2. careful cowboy, you are not allowed to criticize Bev, or u shall be deleted

    3. Puffy, I give them money every month, so when did I refuse to give them money ?? The money they have comes from every person who gets a light bill from TMLC...So what are you smoking?? I am willing to bet you have no clue as how the TMLC runs...Welcome to the real world, Bev.

    4. Why would yoy leave my response? Just continue to attack people, then delete their lack of credability

    5. Thanks Bev.Don't Know abowt the Rest of this Chatter..

  3. Vote Mitchell for Selectman.

    Remember the past to ensue a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.

  4. unfortunately every person I have spoken with feels that Mrs. Farrell has done more harm than good to Mr Mitchell by this constant obnoxious barrage of " the above "....Sorry Julie, just my opinion supported by public sentiment, no insult intended.

  5. some people can realize the truth sooner than others....well put tom j
