Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wind Turbine Siting Hearing

Wind Turbine Siting Hearing

On Monday, January 20, 2014 there will be a hearing regarding:

Investigation by the Department of Public Utilities on its own Motion into Best Practices for the Siting of Land-Based Wind Energy Facilities.

This hearing will be conducted by the Department of Public Utilities at Mount Wachusett Community College  444 Green St in Gardner MA. The hearing will be conducted in the south CafĂ© from 7 pm – 10 pm.


  1. The date for this hearing is Monday the 20th so if you couldn't make it tonight you have plenty of time to clear your schedules. This hearing is important to all who have a electric bill and are aware of the increases to them by higher cost of the wind power provided at a risk to people living nearby. I will try to contact as many as possible and get people to go and voice their opinion. If anyone would like for me to make a statement for them and won't be able to attend i would be glad to do that for you.
    To long have the municipal departments been left to do what they want without reguards for the people who foot the bill for their actions. I call them poor choices and only they have the power to make them,without our input allowed!
    It's time to stand up and show them they have crossed the line and will be held accountable for their actions.
    Vote yes on the non binding resolution to recind the chapter 93 acts of 2000.
    Vote Bob Mitchell + "Yes" to recind
    Don't forget the 20th MWCC in Gardner

  2. VOTE NO on the non binding resolution = the current BOS can't run a town how will they run and Light and Water plant?

    1. Why can't they run lite And water. Isn't that what former seleckmen and Ginny wanted to do..and did ? arn't we paying for that now.... NO VOTE FOR DHB.

  3. With public input we haven't had since 2000.
    That would be SMART , can you get it?

  4. Return Mitchell to the seat he was recalled from [wrongly] by team ECHO "I Quit Wilder"
    Lets see Lawyers,Coordinators,Selectmen, got it! who spent the money?
    Columbus/Wilder ring a bell! Enough of the bad past replace te good we had.
    Mitchell is for Tempelton not Echo Hill

  5. VOTE DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for BOS for a newer Templeton don't revert to the past mistakes

    1. The Board of Selectmen's job is to provide support and leadership to run the town's business in a responsible way. It is not the job of the selectmen to work for the schools. The school has their own board to do the school's business, and that is the School Committee. There is no reason the two should be confused as they have two different jobs. To run for the office of Selectman just to give the schools another voice on the board, is outside the scope of the job of selectman. I am sure the tax payers in this town will not be happy with anyone working just to benefit the schools. The School Committee has it's job, just as the BOS has theirs, so I do hope everyone running for the BOS position has the best of intentions, though I have serious doubts. In the end it will all come out in the wash. The job of selectmen is not going to be a easy one, because this board has to tackle a job that was ignored by every other board in the past. What will make the job more difficult is the town is lacking the finances to provide for everything the town needs to function, so hard choices will have to be made. The next time I hear "If its not broken don't fix it", I think I just may be sick, because town finances have been broken for the longest time and instead of having the courage to "fixing it", the board Mr. Q. was on did what other boards chose to do, ignore the facts, and kick the can down the road. Please vote today, and do not think your vote doesn't count, because it does, now more than ever. Bev.

  6. The meeting on the 20th will not be held as scheduled.
