Friday, February 28, 2014

February 24 BOS Meeting…and the movie

February 24 BOS Meeting…and the movie

Part 1 of the BOS Meeting on 2/24/14

Part 2 of the BOS Meeting on 2/24/14

Part 3 of the BOS Meeting on 2/24/14

Part 4 of the BOS Meeting on 2/24/14

This meeting may be a bit difficult to follow. Items were taken out of order due to the scheduled pole hearings. Hearings must be taken up for discussion at the posted time.

During the public comment section, Mr. Capless(sp) discussed the VSO Veterans service organization. He asked to speak further of veterans services at a future meeting. A question was also raised about the reduction in hours and budgets.

At the request of the Open Space Committee, the BOS  voted to reserve Depot Pond for possible open space consideration.

The first pole hearing for Baldwinville Rd was approved with little comment.

In between pole hearings, the BOS voted to sign contract for architectural services for the Senior Center. These services are to draw the plumbing specifications so that the students at Monty Tech can do the work.

The second pole hearing – State road generated some discussion and questions that need to be answered. The BOS tabled the vote on this project until more information is available.

The request from school Superintendent Miller generated a lot of discussion. The BOS agenda posted was to discuss the Templeton Elementary School Building (TESB) project. The superintendent also wanted to discuss the biomass project. The school supt. made a request for the board to call for a special town meeting and a ballot election on April 15, 2014.
TESBC needs another $500,000 to get the project to schematic design. When asked how much money was left from the original $505,000, the superintendent felt we should know.

The BOS voted to approve the COA’s Bylaws as well as surplus the Dodge van. The BOS also appointed Cynthia Shea to fill the Outreach/Volunteer coordinator position that is funded 100% by the CDBG grant.

Bob Markel, town administrator, reported on the progress of closing the books o FY13  and the FY 14 budget shortfall. Tax title liens have been recorded, but are not necessarily up-to-date. Full report.

Discussion regarding budget reductions and impact statements covered a lot of territory. Not all budget reductions and impact statements for those departments have been submitted. The impact statements are now posted on the town’s website.
There was discussion about pursuing tax titles.

After lengthy discussion about setting a STM date the BOS voted 4-1 to hold a STM on March 29, 2014.

Upcoming meetings and events-

Volunteer cleanup at the new senior center on Bridge St. from 9 am – 1 pm on Saturday March 1st.

School  Budget discussions –

March 4, 2014 NRSD budget subcommittee Kiva 6:30

March 5, 2014        NRSD meeting to discuss budget
March 26, 2014       NRSD meeting to discuss budget

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

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