Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hey East Templeton!

Site Walk in East Templeton at 10:00 am TODAY!

This site walk is to gather information for the CDBG grant application. Please fill out your surveys and return them! Letters of Support are needed as well!


  1. I strongly urge everyone to fill out and return the forms. Without 110 returned to the people who write up our grant app. the project can not move forward. also the letters and input get reviewed to point out problems in town with things like poor sidewalks,bad drainage,roads and other things that are in need of replacement. Just fill the app and mail in the envelope they provided with a stamp on it for you. If there is anything you find in town or infront of your house,on your street or where ever.
    Also in the survey if you qualify you could get work done on your property like water main replaced or roof,siding,insulation.
    All the information is used only for the grant process only.
    Please fill them out and mail.
    It will help you and fix up our town!

  2. As of today there were 52 returned and a second mailing has gone out this week.
    It only takes 5 minutes to do and Templeton could get 5 million $ in work done.

    1. It has been a long time since the people in E.T. have had a good opportunity come their way, and this is a good one, so think about anyone you know that could use some work done on their house. I know they will replace a furnace, windows or like David says siding. Nothing will get done if people do not return the form you got in the mail. This information will not be made public, meaning names or income, but they need to know there is a need for them to go any further. Call your friends or relatives, and remind them to fill out and return the paperwork. This can make a huge difference in a persons life. Bev.
