Monday, February 3, 2014

Meetings 2/3 - 2/7

 2/3 - 2/7
Monday 2/3/14

Sewer RATE HEARING   Reservoir St.        4:30 pm

Town Bldg Assessment              690 Patriots Rd       6:30 pm

Tuesday 2/4/14

Emergency Planning              1 Elm St.              9:00 am

Capital Planning                     690 Patriots Rd       6:30 pm

Wednesday 2/5/14

Assessors                            2 School St.              2:00 pm

Advisory Board                     690 Patriots Rd       6:30 pm      

Thursday 2/6/14

COA                                          690 Patriots Rd       1:30 pm

CPC                                          690 Patriots Rd       6:00 pm

Sr. Center                            Scout Hall              6:30 pm

BOH                                   2 School St.               7:00 pm

Open Space                            690 Patriots Rd       7:15 pm


  1. Make sure you listen to the recordings of the Light and Water Meeting held last month. Mr. Driscoll was seething by the end of the meeting. If you do not have the patience to listen to the complete recording, make sure you listen to the last ten minutes. That is a story all in it's self. Everyone was told that David was recording the meeting, but I think some of these people forgot. This is your light company, and it is not working for you. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well I think this recording tells the shareholders more than any picture could. Bev.

    1. Look for the recording to the left of the meeting for this week.
