Sunday, February 2, 2014

Shedding some light…

Shedding some light…

Recording of the TMLWP Meeting held on January 14, 2014


  1. Cut to the 1:35 time at the end and see how the treatment of questions and arrogant answers are met. This is how it started when any questions were asked that they wanted to do away. As you will hear the majority of past selectmen were there to opine out of order and will hurd up to squelch out as much as they can. as you will hear it didn't do anything to squelch and you draw your own conclutions. Mine is they don't like to follow the rules.Weather at the meetings or not their attitudes are out of line and drive us to keep up the Quest for a better TMLWP. One way or another. This is only one of them and informing the public should never be a problem for anyone,even them on the commission!
    If it is we should change the commissioners and have a board that will put the"Templeton"back in the TMLWP!
    Our walets are at stake here. Listen how they side step the issues Moschetti brings to them.
    Dana the chair needs to GO!

  2. Down hear on the lower forty I remember when Stanley, Mel and Mike had the town's back when it came to the Light Department. Funny how it took the death of Stanley to bring about that new act that got everybody a big raise. Good luck to you Mr. Smart it looks like it will be an uphill climb but it sure looks like your in the right.

    1. lowerforty40, It is a shame that there are not as many people around to actually remember the days when the Templeton Municipal Light really did work for the people in this town. I remember how Mr. Dymek would stand up at town meeting and proudly announce how much money the light company had given back to the town that year. So as things stand, the light company has not been charging the water department rent since they merged ?? How can that be when the income from the water department has been listed on the light dept. books, and the water department's books show the money being paid out ?? Oh right, they are just keeping track of it, so when the day comes the light dept. can take it out in one lump sum !! Gee that does not sound legal to me, or truthful for that matter. My husband asked Mr. Driscoll why the Light and Water did not contribute to the town for the services our tax dollars have provided them. I guess they want things both ways.They do not want to give the town a fair PILOT, which is a substitute for taxes, but they want to be taken care of just the same. In 1979 the Templeton Municipal Light paid the town a PILOT of 60,000, that was thirty five years ago when the light dept was in the little building where the BOH and Assessors are now. There has been a lot of water that has been over the dam since that time, and the people in this town need to figure how we are going to make ends meet, with out driving the people away because they can not afford to live here any longer. The Light and Water want to be independent, so be our guest but that will also mean that you will pay your fair share like any business in town. Bev.

  3. What say you Jay Webster?
    Listen to the end of the recording tell us your thoughts. Try to be open minded and opine.
    Is it the truth? TMLWP is a rouge Templeton entity,has the department been given a poison pill?
    Why would they react the way thy all did? Did they forget they were being recorded,and showed their true colors?
    This commission chairman has been in on all the past questionable doings and has a hard time with the questions and being forced to do anything. Including giving answers required by law!
    We have been right from the start and have the will to push on for the good of Templeton.
    Why would following the laws be so hard to do for them?
