Sunday, March 30, 2014

Financial Update Town of Templeton

Financial Update from STM


  1. Thank you Bob for taking on the role as interim town administrator. Also for the great job on this presentation to how we as a town got to this point. The meeting went very well for the most part and smooth. It was nice to see the split in the vote around the echo hill area. I want to thank Wilder for the request for a hand count as people got a chance to see they are now divided and have not taken a lock step approach and follow the leader again. Wilder should be more truthful and like it or not people see the truth for what it is when explained correctly. The leter to the editor was full of lies and missinformation the echo hill gang wants you to believe,"DON'T". The facts about the E.Templeton school are not what she says they are. When the building burned in 1975 a complete renovation was done and then was put in better shape as it ever was. Fact is my house is 2 times older and is as good as it can have ever been. Just because the building is 80 or 90 doesn't mean its falling down. It will if the roof doesn't get fixed. We patched and tarped the roof for the means of saveing the building the last 2 winters and only want to keep it from going to sit back and watch it would be a total shame. Templeton could have a great town hall and have the charactor to go with it. I can hear people saying wow they take care of their buildings and that should be the things we hear. Not look at the way they let that building fall down. The history has told us we can renovate and rebuild. Look at but a few places. Baldwinville end of baldwinville rd old school,now apartments. the old Heywood Wakefield and many other blds. also could have other use after the schools are upgraded and vacated.We can have old school Blds.with many after school life use and keep from tearing down our history in the process.
    The cost to fix is less compaired to the reputation of those who did not find a way to make it happen.
    I for one can see no reason to not make the renovations happen.Many feel the same as i do and will see the project gets the attention it deserves. Please support this as a new town hall Templeton needs.

    1. I agree with you about fixing old buildings, Dave. Helen Me Sauter School in Gardner, was GHS, then unoccupied, then MWCC and now it has returned to use by the Gardner School Dept. The Elm St School is another example, along with the examples given by you.

      Why are state regulations such that towns do not get any state assistance for renovating existing school buildings? Only new construction is eligible. I'm sure there are multiple special interests that are opposed. These new schools are not built to last like the old ones.

    2. From what I have seen, MSBA has caused us to throw away money we could have used. MSBA said we had to hire a guy to "find" land for this new school. That guy cost us plenty and the people on the ESBC that sat back and allowed this to happen, should not be on the committee any longer, at least if I had my way. The East Templeton School will make a great town hall. Last fall when the building was open, people came in to have a look see. Oh my, where was that big mold problem?? That was taken care of with a dehumidifier and some TLC. Most people were so surprised by the condition of the school, and agreed that it would work as a town hall. Mean while Echo Hill had a open house at 252. Now why was it that they would not let people in the rooms roped off ?? It couldn't be the bathrooms were filled with mold and that was also the reason the doors were open to boot ? Yes the bathrooms were filled with mold, and thankfully no one had a allergy attack from entering the building. Now why didn't Ms.Wilder point this out to the people visiting that building? I know one thing, the Echo Hill Gang lost a lot of credibility in that weekend. So when it comes time for a vote, I hope the "we did not get our building, so you can not have yours" people will hang it up, so that the Town of Templeton will have a Town Hall after all these years. Bev.

  2. I read a comment that the ET building has a very bad mold problem. Has anyone ever had a mold expert examine the building? I remember years ago, when the town offices left the old Otter River school, someone at town meeting said it would cost a million dollars to fix it. Nothing was done, the building sat empty and eventually mysteriously caught fire. It would be great to have a "mold remediation" company go in there and come up with an actual estimate of the damage and the cost of removing whatever mold there is. Then we could have a fact-based discussion about ET.

  3. I would have to say if there is a very bad mold problem i would like to see it. I personally have 2 times tarped the roof and has been patched in places.Also i have looked at the building from roof to the basement floor and would like to know where the mold is hidden. I know of no mold issues and have only seen the paint continue to peel from the basement foundation walls from lack of heat. The fact of the matter is people who don't want the E>T> building project to go forward are people who didn't get the 252 project to go their way. The building at 252 does have a serious mold issue and if you look in the second door to the right you will see as i have what mold is. I have not seen at the E.T. building what i have seen at the 252 building. Black mold from floor to ceiling. I see it in the room we were not allowed to go in. When the town hall building committee toured the building did they not look in there or did they not care about it then?
    My guess is the fact it didn't matter they were hell bent on pushing the project and spent a ton of money we should have never spent. with all the money spent there did the money spent reveal the mold issue? Not that we were told. No polution was found either. So it sounds good for them to go forward and build the town hall? When in the day the chemicals used there were not called hazardous,just chemicals. Dumped out like the papermills use to no care for the environment or the worry of pollution laws like we have now. I think we can all say there were no chemicals spilled in the E.T. school area.
    If the will of the voter would be to check the building from top to bottom i would like the inspection to be done also. It would make perfect sense to do this before we spent a dime. Any way you look at it we need to do our town justice and get out of the rented town hall now. after close to 500,000.00 in rent over the last 10 years we have nothing to show for our money. I would guess the building the town hall is in now a mold expert could find some issue if he looked hard enough.
    We are at a crossroad where we need to do our town what we should have done years ago and put our town hall in a town hall. I think of it as a town home not a town apartment. After we had the 250 one would think we should have a town hall.
    With the use of the CPC money available we could be in the building and have every thing in one building and save a bundle on what we spent on all the others to keep open. CPC money is the best way to use the matching funds the state gives Templeton and other town that qualify for the programs. These funds are sitting in the bank and ready to be used for projects just like this. We pay into the fund through our tax bills and every dollar is matched by the state. The rate we pay now will not increase any no matter how we use the money. The use of the CPC money is up to us and not in any way tied to the tax structure we now have. Our tax rate has had this option built in for years and is the only way towns of our size can continue to preserve what we would otherwise fall short of being able to accomplish. Short of this, this part of our history will fall into ruins and we will never have the option of telling our great grandkids we went to school there. I still say we have a building that we own and it has the character of our town. We need to use it for the people we will elect to call a home not an apartment we rent. Please stand with myself and many others to see the E.T. school transformed into our new town hall.
