Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 24, 2014 BOS Meeting ...the movie

March 24, 2014 BOS Meeting ...the movie

Part 1 of the March 24, 2014 BOS Meeting

Part 2 of the March 24, 2014 BOS Meeting

Part 3 of the March 24, 2014 BOS Meeting

Disclaimer –
It is not possible for anyone to know what you don’t know.

The meeting began well. Minutes from 1/27/14, 3/10/14 and 3/12/14 were approved.

A Class II license was granted to DMC Auto Sales pending an inspection by the police chief.

Matt Angell was appointed Acting Accountant.

Resident Julie Richard presented information on the road condition of Orchard Lane for close to an hour. (6:52 pm- 7:40 pm Part 1 of the recording) BOS can vote to do road projects with Chapter 90 money. BOS can do nothing about replacing the 60 year old water mains and crumbling water infrastructure under the roads…thanks to Chapter 93 Acts of 2000.

The BOS can vote to repair roads in town and then wait for the water main breaks to destroy those same roads.

The BOS voted unanimously to adopt the proposal from John Caplis  regarding Veterans Services in Templeton. The BOS voted to withdraw from the North Quabbin Veterans services and appointed John Caplis as Templeton’s Veterans Agent.

Snow & Ice deficit was discussed. Currently, $51,516.55 has been expended out the $75,000 voted to deficit spend for Snow & Ice.

The discussion on the hiring freeze was tabled.

Highway Rules and Regulations were discussed. The BOS voted to send another letter to the Light and Water commissioners about the procedures for opening the roads in Templeton for repair. It appears the requirement for road cut permits has not been followed by the water department.

Selectman Morrison presented the Capital Plan to the board. Projected costs to implement the Capital Plan are $400,000/year on average.

The Accessibility waiver for East Templeton School was discussed and voted.

Discussion on 252 Baldwinville Rd was tabled for the next meeting.

The warrant for the Annual Town Meeting was opened. The ATM warrant closes on April 7th at noon.

Personnel policy discussion was postponed.

Please attend the
 Special Town Meeting
March 29, 2014 @ 10:00 am


  1. Thank you Ms Lee for your stand on fluoridation. I too drank the fluoridated cool aid from the ADA and AWWA along with all the other agencies claiming water fluoridation is one of the ten best health movements in the past one hundred years. After researching the topic a little closer, over the past four years, my mind has been changed to no longer supporting water fluoridation. After loosing two siblings to cancer and hearing from our Board of Health Chairman Richard Trifilo that Templeton had a four percent increase in cancer over other communities I was surprised to see that Burk and Yiamiayannis had proved in two courts of law that fluoride causes a four to ten percent increase in cancer rates to communities that have adopted fluoridation. William Marcus head toxicologist for the EPA stated it was his belief that fluoride in doses given during water fluoridation are both carcinogenic and mutagenic, he was fired for bringing this information to his superiors. Fluoride has been shown to cause a significant decrease in IQ for children that have fluoride consumption whether it be natural fluoride or the hazardous material added by most communities. I hope you will take the time to give fluoride another look as it is my belief there is much to learn. I hope you will take the time to click on the sidebar on Pauly's Templeton Watch and give a small amount of time to educate yourself on this issue. There is no doctor to make sure who is getting this drug or what dose the person is receiving. If you look at your tooth paste label you will notice that if you swallow the pea sized amount you are to call poison control, that is the same amount tat is contained in an eight ounce glass of water. Thanks for listening. Pete Farrell

  2. Fouridesezezzzz izzz guuud fur ussss. Look how the town has improved since itsez implementayshin.

  3. Yes for nearly an hour discussion was had regarding deteriorating conditions on Orchard Lane. If you watch the tape you can clearly see that 1/2 of that time was shared with the Highway Superintendent and Selectman Julie Farrell discussing the "Back Bay Project" and "Baldwinsville" both of which are, I Hope, Done. So once again there is Chapter 90 funds for 2014, and once again, NO ONE could assure me that Orchard Lane may get some of that this year for improvements. Shame that some Selectman and Department Heads in Templeton rely only on the "possibility of" Grant funding. Had the approach been more aggressive with the surveys maybe more responses would have been sent back ( that mailing was not even paid for by the Town funding it came from elsewhere) and had I not been strung along for so long I would not have had to ask the Selectman to request that the Highway Dept. do something, seeing as they are overseeing that department. Three questions asked in that time and one answered ( not by the Selectman). They may be letting the people speak, but are they listening (watch the tape for the answers) or validating a tax paying citizen's concern, NO. Julie Richard

  4. There is way more than 1 street that needs major repair , what makes orchard lane so special. Are you not the one that was told to shut at a previous town meeting where you laughed and giggled out loud every time Julie tried to speak. I think you have a personal agenda against a selectman. Be patient, once the school is done bleeding every penny they can get from us THEN maybe we can get some much needed town repairs done.

    1. Totally agree there is more than one street needing repair, I encourage anyone who lives on one to advocate as strongly as I am trying to. No I don't believe I was, and NO I have no personal agenda against Julie or anyone else for that matter, just want Orchard Lane repaired. I have been 17 years patient, is that not enough time? Now a new "excuse". Didn't realize Chapter 90 funds were going over to the "school".

  5. Julie R., As the one who has patched the roads in town a highway employee and dedicated taxpayer. I feel your issues are as good as can be about your street. No one doubts the points you make. I must say i and others have in the past patched your pot holes and also sweep and patch again after many many times. To say otherwise is just a false statement. Our town has over 70 miles of pot hole roads. Most of which get patched over and over again every year,its a never ending job untill spring breaks and frost goes away we can only do the best we can and we do just that. I voted for the 2 1/2 overide to fix more roads but many more voted no.The fact that we spend as much in Baldwinville is not a good point with me as well as others and i wish people notified 2 times sent the survey letters in but they did not. You made a statement about going door to door when the time comes to get the survey letters sent in. I to asked Mike Pingpang at the meeting in January to let me know and would go around and visit a list that were'nt sent back. in fact the man i sat next to at the meeting didn't send his in and said he would when he got it next time. I feel strongly about geting the word out and will make sure this Bolg will play a role in that. The people who throw away the survey letter and don't even read it can be educated in about 1-2 minutes about haw important it is to do it. 5 minutes and not shared with any other agencies would be the first thing i would say.Just take a ride through the back bay area and see the difference it made there. why not East Templeton. I would also like to point out we have many roads in much worse shape that require huge amounts of patching at a high cost to the town and are not on a list of a priority area to be repaired. As Bud pointed out about the CBDG grant this is our best way to get the job done completely and thouroughly with water and drains and also sidewalks and should be the way we do this. I hope you would agree and help with the awareness when the time comes and we can get the biggest bang for our buck we can.
    I also heard you state you would go to the next Light ad water meeting and ask questions about their plans. I hope you do and will see you there as i have been there all the meeting but one in the last 2 years. More than i can say for some of the commissioners. As far as chapter 90 monies going to the school ? Please elaborate for me, My Email is and would like to hear about that and would also make sure that goes on this Blog for the town to be informed about. I feel a informed town is an honest town for sure.

  6. David I agree with you 100% on most of your statement above, sorry I cant agree that the grant is "the only way to go"!
    Sounds like you and I will be doing our best for the grant in the future, and yes I look forward to seeing you Tuesday at 6p.m. ( at least I believe that is what I was told, haven't checked the website as of yet). The comment about chapter 90 funds was one I made to whoever " DO Is stupid " is, just above my reply,
