Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 3, 2014 BOS meeting…and the movie

March 3, 2014 BOS meeting…and the movie

Part 1 of the March 3, 2014 BOS Meeting

Part 2 of the March 3, 2014 BOS Meeting

After the minutes were read and the agenda approved
(no public comment), the BOS began discussing the first agenda item – Chief LaPorte requested a letter of support for ALS ambulance service. The letter of support for ALS does not include money at this time.

COA Director, Bethany Loveless, has successfully obtained a SNAP grant. This $10,000 grant is of 30 awarded nationwide. The SNAP grant will provide funding for a part –time outreach worker to educate seniors on the eligibility for SNAP assistance. The BOS voted for the chairman to sign the agreement.

The BOS voted to appoint Kate Myers as acting treasurer for the Town of Templeton.

TESBC Contract- This agenda item generated a lot of discussion. Reviewing the document a few questions arose. It was decided that it was best to send this contract off for review by town counsel. As background, the BOS signed a contract with the OPM for $75,000 back in August. The TESBC has asked the BOS to sign off on another contract for the architect in the amount of $160,000 for basic services and an additional $63,500 for extra services. In the summer, the amount of money for the feasibility study for the elementary school was approximately $230,000. The total for the new contract as well as the OPM push the costs of these contract over $298,000. The question arises can or should the BOS vote to sign a contract that exceeds the amount of money for the contract?

Veteran’s Agent
John Capless appeared before the board to discuss membership in the North Quabbin District Veteran’s services. Mr. Capless is a retired combat veteran and is concerned about the level of service provided to veterans in Templeton. North Quabbin currently administers benefits for veterans in Templeton. After discussion, Mr. Capless will bring back a proposal to the BOS for consideration is establishing our own veteran’s agent. The deadline for a decision on this issue will have to be made by April 1st.

BOS policies and procedures –
The newly established policies and procedures were discussed. The concern was the deadline for submitting agenda items. After discussion, it was voted to amend the BOS policies and procedures so that Wednesday is the day to submit agenda items for discussion.

During this discussion a concerned citizen suggested selling the Light Company to National Grid so that seniors could get a discount on their electric bill.

Town Hall Meetings-

Discussion about town hall meetings to educate people about the issues for the Special Town Meeting scheduled for March 29th. Tentative dates will be investigated include: Saturday arch 22nd; March 12th or 13th. These meetings will be taped so information will be available regarding the warrant articles for the STM. The closing date for warrant articles is March 10th.

During this discussion, questions arose on the $505,000 shortfall. The budget recap sheet was handed to a concerned citizen. The budget recap sheet explains how the $505,000 shortfall happened.

There was discussion from a number of concerned citizens dissatisfied with the budget recap. A concerned citizen mentioned selling the light department to generate revenue and pay off the town’s debt.

There was brief discussion about moving the STM to the beginning of April. No action was taken.

Under Selectman comments-
Operation Moneywise  (March 22, 2014) was mentioned:

Operation Money Wise is a FREE financial empowerment conference open to veterans, servicemembers and their families. Join us to learn more about personal finance and improve financial behavior through quality financial education. This day will focus on the topics that most commonly affect those who have served our country, the benefits available and organizations that can help.”

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !
Julie Farrell

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