Monday, March 17, 2014

Meetings 3/17/14 – 3/21/14

Meetings  3/17/14 – 3/21/14
Monday  3/17/14

Town Admin Search              690 Patriots Rd       4:00 pm
Conservation                            4 Elm St.              7:00 pm

Tuesday 3/18/14

BOS joint meeting                     Kiva                            6:30 pm
Capital Planning                     690 Patriots Rd       6:30 pm

Wednesday 3/19/14

Mont. Public Health              Leominster              9:00 am
Assessors                            2 School St              2:00 pm
Adv. Board pre-town              690 Patriots Rd       6:00 pm
Adv. Board                            690 Patriots Rd.        6:30 pm
School Committee                     Kiva                            6:30 pm
MJTC                                   Fitchburg              7:00 pm

Thursday 3/20/14

Senior Center                            Scout Hall              6:30 pm


  1. Why is there a Joint BOS mtg on 3/18 with the only agenda item being to discuss regionalized dispatch?? Didn't we already do that in Feb?? Wasn't it 4-1 against this stupid idea?

  2. Aww it is a great day for Templeton, Jeff Bennett has resigned. I can't stop smiling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Just heard the same. :) :) :) :)

    2. Kind of a chicken sh*t move though. Drive our town over a cliff, and quit 2weeks before the state steps in.

    3. What have you ever done to serve your country or your town? And please, back whatever claims you make with some facts that can be checked.

    4. 23Skidoo I am a 20 yr retired disabled veteran I have served my country and you. Just because you might serve in the Military does not mean that you have the ability to serve your community.

    5. Right. Just because you claim, it must be true.

  3. So just because Jeff resigns from the BOS suddenly we don't need to have a joint BOS meeting?

    I thought Templeton and Phillipston were looking to regionalize with Gardner? I thought the chiefs from both towns wanted to spend their time and energy putting a plan together for this project? I thought it was important enough to focus on this right now instead of focusing on the town's financial crisis?

    Oh wait. It was Mr. Bennett who was looking to regionalize with Gardner. It was Mr. Bennett's idea to spend time on this, not the police/fire chiefs who wanted to waste their time putting together information so the voters would have the full picture. It was Mr. Bennett who wanted to focus on this right now instead of the budget shortfall.

    I see. I get it now.

    Certain selectman choose pet projects that fit their personal agendas and push those to be focused on instead of what really needs to be focused on right now. Yet as soon as he/she quits the pet project/personal agenda item gets thrown out the window along with any respect the voters may have had left for said selectman.

    I get it now. My bad.

    Just sayin

    1. Just Sayin' - You might want to research things before you go around speculating.

  4. So many incorrect statements, where to begin...first of all, Mr. Bennett did not ridicule Ms. Wilder when she quit. In fact, he asked her to reconsider and expressed his disappointment that she wouldn't in a public meeting. Watch the video. Secondly, "everyone" didn't ridicule Ms. Wilder on this blog when she quit. I was very disappointed to see her quit. Did I oppose many of her decisions as a selectman? Yes! She made a lot of bad choices. But having many viewpoints on a board is a good thing. If you're going to make statements on this blog make sure they're accurate because you will be called to the carpet.

    Mr. Bennett was and is a wonderful leader and an all around good guy. I don't know why this anti-Jeff campaign started except to further along people's personal agendas and because maybe he asked too many questions. Not only did this man defend our right to express ourselves (no matter how poorly) on blogs like this by serving many tours overseas in the military, he returned home and jumped right in to help his community the best way he could. Trying to find ways to save money whether the options are popular or not was all Mr. Bennett was trying to do. That's what good leaders do--making tough choices based on what's best for the community, not to massage ego. Mr. Bennett got involved in local politics years ago when questions were being asked and not answered. He went searching for the answers. Is that such a terrible thing? Not in my mind. I respect him wholeheartedly and thank him for stepping up and trying to make our community a better place to live. I hope he knows there are many others in this town who appreciate his service both at home and abroad.

  5. Jeff was ALL ABOUT saving this town money, A lot of you morons just don't get it.

  6. Speaking of finding answers, I've noticed an interesting thing occur in Templeton over the last decade. There are many depts that if asked a question or to further explain their operations, they answer without delay or attitude. However, there are a couple of depts that do not act this way. I've noticed that when citizens ask questions or for clarification from the Light, Water, Sewer, and School depts, not only do they not get an answer, they are made out to be bad and horrible for asking. Do we not have the right to ask questions of our town services? Why is that wrong? We heard so many school supporters beg for people to learn more about the school budget, to ask questions. What happened? When people asked questions, they did not receive answers but received tremendous attitude in return. Want examples? Listen to the L&W meeting posted on the left of this page. Do you think the customer who wanted resolution on his bill was treated with professionalism and respect? Another example, watch the school budget sub-committee meeting on Ch. 8. When a person questioned some budget items, they were treated like they were ignorant and evil. Was that dramatic performance from a BOS member in the audience necessary when an Advisory Board member commented on something a committee member said? No, it wasn't. The school committee should be thrilled that these discussions are happening NOW instead of 3 months from now like last year. So, why are people that simply want answers or clarification so vilified? The reason the town is so financially sick right now is because not enough people were asking questions all along. I am thrilled to have any town official ask too many questions rather than not enough. If a town dept is being run well, they will have no problem answering anything regarding their operations no matter how stupid the question may be to them. If a town dept is not running well, that is when deflection and avoidance of answers is a sure sign of wrongdoing.

    1. Please do not lump the Sewer Department in with the others you call to the carpet here. The Supt and the commissioners are always ready to respond to any questions or concerns expressed by any taxpayer in town, whether or not they are customers. The budgets and spending are open to anyone who wants to see them. There is no stonewalling or secret agendas. There are no "fake customer charges" or other hidden fees. If you have concerns, just come to a meeting or visit the treatment plant and have a conversation with the Supt. He will be glad to entertain any questions or concerns you may have.

  7. The other thing I find fascinating is that there are several people who are running for office under the slogans of unity and progress. Ironically, the same people are the worst offenders of name calling and bullying. The best leaders are the ones who are willing to work with their opposition with just as much respect and passion as they would with their allies. When I vote this year, I'm going to vote for those who I feel possess this quality. No matter what religion you follow, the common lesson in all of them is to love thy neighbor, not bully and push them out of the way. The only way this town will heel is when leaders act professionally and choose their actions on what is best for all, not what is best for their ego. I was actually encouraged when this current BOS was elected. I thought it would be a well balanced group of individuals who all cared about fixing their town. Sadly, I was disappointed to see one side so set to "fight" and be combative with those not on their team. We don't need leaders who will "fight" for us. We need leaders who will cooperate for us. I haven't heard many suggestions or solutions presented from our newest members, just a lot of grandstanding and fingerpointing. Disappointed. I have hope that maybe now that they have to be involved in making the tough choices they will see the other side of the coin and realize that these people who they are so passionate about "fighting" aren't the enemies. I applaud their passion, however I think they've been fed some bad info and have been led off the track of their good intentions of serving in office. I suggest they look in the crowd at their next meeting and see who is there every week for years on end. These are the people that also have passion and also want to fix their town. Not too many people in there under 50 yrs, are there? I suggest they listen more. You may not like the tone that the grumpy man in the back speaks, but he knows his stuff. He is your citizen just as much as the people you socialize with are. Listen more. Love your neighbor.

    1. Its not grandstanding or finger pointing. They are the only ones asking questions. Trying to get the answers we voters deserve & are very upset about. & yet we still have no idea what happened.

    2. Nope huff, you're wrong. It's grandstanding and finger pointing. And bad theatrics.

    3. Explain to us how its grandstanding to ask the treasurer how/why? Explain to us how its finger pointing to demand answers that they just don't want to admit to. Explain how its theatrics when they are doing EXACTLY what they were elected to do?

    4. Points well taken. Great post Templetonian.

  8. And a vote for DANA would say to the shareholders, It's ok the commission does not talk about the fuel taxes not paid or the cost of power was 900,000.00 higher than it was thought to be. 900k? Your commission needs a tune up and I'm the mechanic to help do it. After a email to the senior project manager for the chip burner Tim Singleton was not returned i wonder if the questions i had for him were not welcome? Funny when the questions asked are not good for them the answers dry up. Light and water was just audited by the DOR and have failed to pay fuel taxes for years, Is this another doing things right over there?
    No mention of the ice buildup or complaints about the ice on the turbine blades. We were told if ice builds up on the blades the computer would shut it down. I see the need for more insurance for liability. Other turbines have warning signs about ice throw and danger of injury. Not ours it has a computer that will shut it down. NOT! If we want to save money on energy,think about the Geo Thermal set up we were being sold for the 252 project. Did anyone think about it? Did anyone ask about it. I would but when i ask questions you know they attack and hold it against me for wanting to know all i can.
    If you don't ask questions you don't get answers. When you ask question and don't get true answers you ask more and more till you provoke change to happen or "Incite to action" i would call it. Our officials need to answer to the people who trust them when elected to look out for us and our treasure. If they want to play games and disrespect us for asking questions they need to be replaced. The votes people cast are the way the people express how displeased they are with those in office now.
    If you are not happy with the new rates vote DANA out!
    If you want your rates higher next year keep him, Simple as that!
    Take away the rubber stamp and the "truth" will come out,I will see to it.

    1. You make a lot of sense Mr. Smart. You have an instinctive prejudice against waste and fraud.

    2. The town elections are rapidly approaching and there are some tough decisions that we have to make as voters. To make these decisions we need know exactly what the candidates are going to do to make our lives better. Just saying "vote for me and I'll change the way things are done" is not good enough. What is the plan? Mr. Smart.......what is your decisive plan to change the way business is done. Please don't say, "I'll ask tough questions" because that's not good enough.How are you going to approach the new job? Are you going to be a voice of reason and work within a team environment to understand how business is really run? For the betterment of the town this is the way it needs to be approached to be successful. Too often in big business, and running a town government is big business, there has to be cohesiveness within the ranks to be successful. Sadly most of the postings on this blog are vindictive in nature more the Hatfield and McCoys. It certainly doesn't help the town at all. We all have to don't have to like the people you work with but you have to work TOGETHER to accomplish success.

  9. Time is to short as of late, Working to keep the kind people of Templeton safe and hard to focus on a comment and Blog when half asleep. Forgive if possible truth it will be written. Working for the people of Templeton motivates me to correct things for the better. Just one note, when i asked the commissioners and the general manager about the role they have as a commissioner i for some reason got 4 answers that all differed. Check the old blogs its all there!
    Only one had it right. The one that got less votes than the one who ran against him. Gregg Edwards. I'm glad he won he will be a pleasure to work and serve with.Thanks for asking!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. At least the Hatfield and McCoysused their real names and took credit for their comments.
    More than i can say for those who hide and spew from behind fake names.
    A better Blog would have a member id and we should all have the right to know who exercise their right to free speech.

    1. That is my real name Dave! I've lived in Templeton for 43 years. At least the Hatfields and McCoys would have answered my original question.....What is your plan? Or are you too tired to answer?

    2. To take it one step further.....check the voting records for the town of Templeton, you will see that I am a registered voter. So now that you know I am not "fake" let's hope that it inspires other bloggers to do the same.

  12. Replies
    1. I just sent you an email.....would you like a birth certificate?

  13. 685 balwinville rd -got it
    Email reply sent.
    Thank you.
