Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Town Hall Meeting…the movie

Town Hall Meeting…the movie

This informational meeting was recorded in the KIVA on March 20, 2014. The meeting details the ramifications and consequences of the $505,000 budget shortfall for the Town of Templeton.

Part 1 of the Town Hall Meeting

Part 2 of the Town Hall Meeting

Part 3 of the Town Hall Meeting

Please attend the
 Special Town Meeting
March 29, 2014 @ 10:00 am



  2. I wonder if the fact that the school district (NRHS) only spent $149.50 in fiscal year 2012 on instructional materials, equipment and technology has anything to do with the news article titled space and technology needs plague Templeton elementary schools. That figure is on page 46 of the district review conducted April 22-25, 2013 by the MA department of elementary & secondary education.

    1. Maybe they spent it on oil to keep the kids warm? You can't cut their budget, tell them not to spend money, make the educators pay for stuff out of pocket, & then complain when they do exactly that.

    2. Only 36.4% of budget spent on teachers.

      Plenty spent on lights & fuel, the school is open 16 hours a day according to admin. If it were a choice between extra-curricular activities and teachers, we know that the NRSD chooses to spend 36.4% of the budget on teachers. CHoices are made that indicate plenty of funding.


    1. It seems to me they could have tightened up the schedules so the place would not be open 16 hrs. a day unless there was a good number of people using it. Money does not grow on trees in my neck of the woods, so sometimes you have to learn to live different, like it or not. Bev.

    2. Are you volunteering to have all the meetings at your house? & for all the extracurriculars? Are you volunteering your time to go in early & set up, or stay late to help?

    3. Maybe you should take your own advise & learn to live it or not.

    4. So Puffy, what is wrong with trying to schedule things so they can meet the needs of as many people as possible and still save a few bucks on oil ?? I don't see anything wrong with that. I have stacked and burned my share of wood when money was tight. It is easier to leave every light on in the house than to take the effort to turn them off when you leave the room. What the heck, if it is not your dime, what do you care ?? I guess I still can't get over the fact the ESB Committee could allow anyone to spend over 200,000 looking for land, and then come up empty. I could not face the people in this town if I had done that, and then come back to say more money is needed !!! It is unfortunate that the school question has come up again at the time the town is financially on the rocks. It does seem the town has been in a financial mess for a good long time, but most people were not aware of it, but they are now. The people have a lot to process in a short time, so they need to figure out what they can afford, and what they can't. I am afraid the fact the economy is in the pits and most people will take a good amount of time to recover from the cost of oil and gas this winter, are facts they will have to consider when going to vote. I think the School Committee should have been smarter when deciding how much to ask for this spring. Just for the record, I am not against a new school, and never have been, but I want to take care of the people who work for the town first, and take care of the elderly who are on fixed incomes, second. Then we will get a new school. Bev.

    5. Thank you for starting your priorities. Just so you know, everyone employed by NRSD works for the town. Also, I think kids, with no income, should come before fixed incomers.

    6. Piss off Huff n down To Bev Again and I Will Find You and Discuss it With You.....I Have No Other Comements To make on this Blog.. Ever Again...see you at a meeting woke up the BEAST
      Pisssed Off tax Payer...

    7. Plenty of people know where I'm at, feel free. But careful what you wish for, you don't want to poke the bear....

  4. I feel sorry for the fixed incomers, They are not given a chance to get in the bus before the door opened and are getting run down. I would have a hard time sleeping if i threw them under the bus. Some posters here drive their new cars and could care less about who built the town over the years paying the taxes some voters are not subject to paying property tax. To take away the elderly's ability to financially survive is worse than no income kids. I hope the figures i have on light bill increases is wrong but when a bill goes up by 8.7% for the school year to year Month /Dec the light Dept has some explaining to do. we were told a 4% increase and bills show otherwise. I would think the new rates at the light dept would be on their web site.
