Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Easter Baskets!

Easter Basket Help!

The  Templeton Senior Center is looking for volunteers to help put together Easter Baskets for the children of people served by the Food Pantry. There are 2 ways to help:

Donate: Donations of Easter basket items are being accepted at Scout hall from now until Wednesday, April 9th. Items needed include: Baskets or pails; individually wrapped candy and new small toys and stuffed animals.


On Thursday April 10th meet at Scout Hall at 10:00 am to assemble the baskets. Refreshments will be served.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea !! Good going, to the people who will help a child know the Easter Bunny came on Easter morning. There was one Easter that The Chipman girls [me, Pat and Donna] almost did not get anything. It was one of those years that dad was sick, and money was real short. My grandmother came to the rescue with Easter baskets from the store, but they did the trick. The thing I liked the most, was coloring eggs when my grand children were little, but those days are gone. Please kick in a couple of dollars to make this project a success, and a child happy. Bev.
