Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Information for May 5, 2014 Override

Information for
May 5, 2014 Override

Templeton Financial Update  video segment from STM March 29th

Audit Process and DOR by Bob Markel

Please Vote
May 5, 2014

Please support your Town


  1. I will vote NO on this and any override till hell freezes over.

  2. Voting NO might be the best thing to happen to the town, This town needs oversight to get things back on track, sure might hurt for awhile but the healing will be faster.

  3. It is funny that my step granddaughter attends St. Bernards High School in Fitchburg and I did not find that the most modern school I ever walked into. I looked online to see when that school was built and it was opened in 1927. People pay big money to send their kids there. I looks like $6,500. a year plus a bunch of fees. They did do some additions, the cafeteria was built in 1964. People are beating down the doors to get their kids in there. Not one word was said about their old buildings when you read what they offer. I guess the age of the buildings can be a bother if you choose to let them. People send their kids there for the "education, and they do come from every town you can think of. A good question was asked by a friend of mine. Why are some towns getting 80% from the agency when we are only getting 60%? Anyone have a answer?? Is it we are not poor enough?? The worse part of the position we are in is, we are stuck paying off Skelton's 40 year loans, plus the interest so those will not be gone anytime soon. I am not convinced the state root will be the answer we need. We have the answer, we have to pay our debt and get it over with. I am not thrilled with the school asking for more, because I do not see a end. The MBSA had us hire a guy years ago, and he was the one who pissed away $230.000, looking for land, and we got nothing. So now they need more ?? I am very afraid that we will get to the point that people will not be able to afford to live here. We can pass all of the overrides and still be broke. Think about that tonight. Bev.
