Monday, April 7, 2014

Senior Center Construction Open House

Senior Center Construction Open House

A good turnout at the Senior Center Construction Open House. Over 60 people attended the event. Tours of the senior center were provided. On hand were many of the members of the Senior Center Oversight Committee as well as the COA Director Bethany Loveless and her husband Rick. The new VSO, John  Caplis stayed for entire event and met many of our veterans.  Good job by everyone!

The COA is still accepting donations for Easter baskets until April 9th. Basket assembly is on April 10th!

1 comment:

  1. Lets hope we have the money to open this building now that it is finally standing. A lot rides on the override the town is asking for. It is going to be hard to support all of the overrides for a number of people because, the money is just not there. It will all come out in the wash, Bev.
