Monday, June 9, 2014

Meetings 6/9/14/- 6/13/14

Meetings 6/9/14/- 6/13/14

Monday 6/9/14

BOS                          690 Patriots Rd.            6:30 pm
Light                         690 Patriots Rd.            6:30 pm
BOS Exec                 690 Patriots Rd.            7:00 pm

Tuesday 6/10/14

Water                        Bridge St                  6:30 pm
Light                         Bridge St.                  6:30 pm

Wednesday 6/11/14
Housing Authority      Bridge St            4:00 pm
Senior Center              Senior Drive      6:30 pm

Thursday 6/12/14
Cemetery & Parks       690 Patriots Rd  6:30 pm

Information for Light Commissioners for BOS Meeting June 9th


  1. Sounds like Mr. Driscoll is running a secret society over there at L&W. Shouldn't the Commissioners be able to think for themselves?

    1. Somehow Mr. Driscoll is running the show, and the rest of the Commissioners are there for the ride, or is it they are there for the pay ?? I wish I could say the Commissioners were there for the people in town, like they should be, but that would be far from the truth. It will come out in the wash, it may take some time, but the truth will prevail. Bev.

    2. It seems that Mr. Driscoll is running the show, and the rest of the crew is there for the ride, or is it for the MONEY !! At any rate, not one of the Light Commissioners have stood up for the town's people, and that is sad. It will all come out in the wash, sooner of later. Bev.
