Monday, June 23, 2014

Selectman's Meeting Tonight!

Selectman's Meeting Tonight!

Tonight's BOS meeting will be held at 690 Patriots Rd. at 6:30.

Agenda items include:
Town Administrator's report

Appointments, appointment policy and dissolve defunct committees

Gravel permits

TMLWP FY 15 contribution

Account transfers - Fire Chief

Account transfers - Acting Police Chief 

Ch 90 projects

Vacation rollover request

Job descriptions

Class II and Class III licenses

Solar PILOT agreement

STM articles

Town Office Move Update

Selectmen Comments



  1. It looks like tonights meeting should last about a week. I hope the Light Department is going to give us a good PILOT. This is not "lets make a deal". We should get money so we can decide where the money goes, after all it is none of their business, as to what the town decides to do with the money it receives. To imply that the Selectmen are not capable of making that decision is insulting, to say the very least. How they can ignore that "one of their own" helped put the town in the hole it is in, is just ludicrous. Time will tell, and it will come out in the wash. Bev.

  2. I hope Mr Driscoll & the commissioners realize that if they claim to be covered under MGL c 164 & they claim wind turbine was completed under section 47c of c 164, section 47c concerns municiple electric cooperatives & also states a municiple coop cannot operate without a PILOT in place. That is what the law says.

  3. Question of the day: why does the superintendent of schools feels she should get the bills concerning Templeton elementary school project before the selectmen get them. I hoot the sup knows that project is a town project rather than a district project. Templeton selectmen are the ones who should control that as it concerns budget & policy

  4. Correction: I hope the sup knows......

  5. At the last meeting Driscoll said because the wind turbine was on the school districts land their turbine was not on town property. Due to that fact they did not have to pay a pilot or and taxes.
    This is a direct quote and on a recording from the last meeting.
    They did agree to finance the rec department $10,000.00 after i let them know about the PR it may give them one way or the other.This money and also the 2,000.00 Joy Taintor raised will fund the swim lessons and 3 days of play ground this summer.
