Monday, July 28, 2014

BOS Meeting Tonight

BOS Meeting Tonight
6:30 pm
at Kamaloht


  1. Respectfully , Over ride in view of the evidence of the board relentlessly too continue the persistence to asked for money to re-establish town employment levels frankly disrespects the message of voted The board is more like a child who is estranges the parent asking him over and over and over getting No and suddenly parent does not pay attention and the child get its way ,
    why the board does not repentant and take the instruction of the will of the people and exerciser the word NO is a fact !!
    The town continue to refuse too raise money for services in other ways what are the option 1 hold a concert or other event promote the town with T shirts or other , there is many ways the board has got writer block .. doing the same thing over and over and over ,, hey you town citizen you sick of this ???

    The town selectmen / chair continue to spew issue as opinion in favor of over ride adding , what ifs , What if your house is broken in to ? and there be no police to call he forgets self protection he forgets as many do that right of self enforcement besides calling police if your not home and alarm system or cams is surly better , let us take the state of Massachusetts for 1 example it was said at this meeting they have 2 state police on any night for 20 + towns
    fact is you can not ever hire enough of force to in power all the law by enforcement its not possible even the police are investing in cams
    The real problem is town meeting is like a employment meeting for those employed the town people do not show , and there voice is not heard , even when they vote its not taken as an instruction as it should be

  2. please vote NO for any over ride as that will continue year after year , , I like to asked the question what if , what if there was no school ? what if , we sent every child to other towns for schooling the issue would be fix amount in cost for the town and i would bet cheaper , , with no expense for other cost I mean at this point i love home school-ers There agenda is affix There is honor by the relationship , yet those people are punish by the said same zealots of town in there quest for taxation , you see the concept of control is here among you ... you invest in army to enforce your will restricting freedom completely making indenture servitude , a charge for every dealing a cost at every point I need not ointment to discern what is enforce here upon me now .

  3. one more fact The 2 1/2 restriction was voted on for the very purpose in controlling limits One member on the board said that prop 2 1/2 was the problem , cause it does not allow MORE its not .... The problem is not respecting 2 1/2 soon there will be no prop 2 1/2 and only people whom will be happy is town employed . progressives in word !!!

  4. I plan to vote No for any over ride. I am on a fixed income and I am shocked at how much my real estate tax have gone up, since I have tighten my belt I feel the town must also tighten their belt.

  5. I hear you TempletonMJH. There are several people in town on fixed incomes, may retired and of those many do not have mortgage payments so with their fix incomes they have to plan on when to put money away for taxes. Funny how the fixed incomes don't go up but our taxes do. Think it might be time for some soul searching on the BOS part. When it is time to tighten their belts? Don't blame the school, however, the school could also tighten it's belt.

    So yes I will VOTE NO on any OVERRIDE. We have gone from too few taxes to an over abundance of taxes. How many time can they use the excuses - no police no fireman no road work no sewer worker. Well think it's time for the town's people to learn the word NO NO NO NO OVERRIDE.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. As i listened to the BOS last night they were split on opinions and also on how to present the overide question. All in one is sure to fail. A targeted type of multi overide questions is what i suggested to do,others felt the same way. To list what you want to do with our overide money and give us a clear option will tell the board after the vote what they should be doing with it or not doing with it. That way may give direction and clear the questions now at hand. Only two answers YES or NO!
    If we raise the tax rates and next year the school wants more let the schools do the overides for their issues.We are asked for overides for other targeted things and get a clear choice on what to vote on. I think Massvocals has it right when we vote were to be listened to. It will send the full message if the targeted way is a clear no. But maybe the truth is not what some of the BOS want to hear.I know the people who vote will be calling the shots if the overides are targeted.

  8. Any override question must say what the money is for and for one year it must go for that. After that it simply goes into the big pot. Perhaps it is time to look at regional dispatch again?

  9. Town elected should have declared The bankruptcy of Templeton and file for protection , this would re organize and reconstructed the system cause an exorcism of the past . Change , the school budget The employee system and the assets would have been all on table , clear to sell debt exposed , debt forgiven ... it would be out with old and in with new school teacher and school personal UNIONs would be ? , all be dismissed and legally and reconstruction could have save thousands even millions in odious debt and continue debt ceiling claims and cancellation of prop 2 1/2 it would have cause limits to be respected , lets face it this is not a city its small town zoning was set to make it even smaller ..

  10. So after we voted the 620k overide the hours were restored to those who were cut and then we put them on unemployment for 7 weeks at the end of the year. I would say the money went to something else. When we ask for another overide for whatever the reason we can ask when we voted for the last one we were told one thing and the other thing is what we got!
    Dispatch is being figured out for all department usage. Light ,water,sewer. Tax money used for enterprises and at a cost to the town should be charged off to the enterprises and their customer bases. Every dollar of cost should have a department to pay for it. When will the light co give the contract for the solar power purchase agreement to the select board?

    1. The solar power agreement should be a Sovereign company prima reasoning// the customer cost which see no benefit let us see too charging cost for buying power and then selling it to Templeton L & W buy in must show and deliver to end user . , why is it not public what is the saving those question should be here on line made public before the BOS give a fix payment plan Beside this the agreement should be written into stone for the residents no matter who own it ?

    2. this is why incumment was invented and minds who will not except end of system of things this why votes refuse to vote for continue same question or acts frankly who are they to enforce taxes upon us over and over and refuse to reslove and cut all services
