Wednesday, July 16, 2014



There have been reports of a large coyote in East Templeton during the day


Has anyone seen it?


  1. No coyotes, but the bear was on my deck this morning at nine o'clock eating birdseed for breakfast. He is as tall as I am, and as calm as a cucumber. I went out and clapped my hands a couple of times, and told him to go !! He is in good shape, but I do not envy him trying to find enough to eat. Once the wild blueberries are ripe it will help him. Bev.

  2. Yes : On Otter river road by the 4 corners. 2pm Wednesday. Large as a German shepard 80+ lbs. and no fear,just walking the roadway.

  3. Bev: Your bird feeders are now Bear feeders. Bring them in and your "safety" will improve. Think of it this way [no bear food] no bear! You cannot out run him and he can follow you unless you have steel doors.
    If your attacked play dead it's your only chance to survive it. A hungry bear is not a happy bear and will do what he has to to eat!
    I would keep a 12 gauge shotgun ready for defence if he wants whats for your breakfast,he can smell it as you eat it.
    Sleep well!
