Thursday, July 17, 2014

FERC and the PIPELINE...July 24th save the date


Knowing and Protecting your Rights When an Interstate Pipeline Comes to Your Community by Carolyn Elefant from FERC

Federal Energy Regulatory Agency

The Federal Energy Regulatory Agency or The Commission, is charged by Congress with evaluating whether interstate natural gas pipeline projects proposed by private companies should be approved.  This authority, under Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act, 15 U.S.C. S717f(c), allows FERC to issue a “certificate of public necessity and convenience” for the construction and operation of natural gas pipelines used to transport gas across state lines.  FERC does not have jurisdiction over the siting of intrastate natural gas pipelines nor for hazardous liquids.  

In addition to evaluating whether interstate natural gas pipeline projects proposed by private companies should be approved, FERC approves the location, construction, operation & abandonment of interstate pipelines, facilities and storage fields involved in moving natural gas across state boundaries. The Commission’s determination whether to approve such a project may affect you if your land is where a natural gas pipeline, other facilities, or underground storage fields might be located. You should know:

1. How the Commission’s procedures work
2. What rights you have
3. How the location of a pipeline or other facilities is decided
4. What safety and environmental issues might be involved 

FERC is based in Washington, DC and publishes detailed documents for citizens to access on line: 

"An Interstate Natural Gas Facility on My Land?  What Do I Need to Know?”:
Describes the FERC process and your involvement as a stakeholder including Prefiling, Filing and Intervener processes.

Major Pipelines on the Horizon: provides a national overview of proposed pipelines by project name, operator and MMcf/d

An excellent citizen resource for FERC process and legal representation can also be found with Carolyn Elefant at the Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant (LOCE), a law firm focusing on FERC energy practice and policy, emerging renewables (marine renewables, offshore wind), federal siting and eminent domain. 

A former FERC lawyer, Carolyn has authored: Knowing and Protecting your Rights When an Interstate Pipeline Comes to Your Community  

A Citizen's FERC Tutorial
Guidance gleaned from involvement in Chester County pipeline projects:

1. Stakeholders refers to all parties involved in pipeline issues.  Landowners are referred to as and considered to be stakeholders.

2. A pipeline company or operator is an applicant.  The Applicant is not required to contact state and local agencies or landowners prior to submitting its pre-filing application to FERC.

3. The Applicant identifies the stakeholders.  FERC does not mandate who shall be considered a stakeholder.

4. Once an Applicant files a request to FERC to review its project, the Applicant begins to give notice to state and county agencies and all “affected” landowners as to where the project will be located.

5. Notice to landowners by the Applicant, as required by law include must be made in a good faith effort by mail or by hand:

6. Landowner required to receive good faith effort notification include:
            landowners whose land will be crossed or used by the “proposed activity”
            landowners whose land abuts the pipeline
            landowners whose residence (house) is within 50’ of the proposed construction

7. Notice is published in the FERC Federal Register and a local newspaper and will include:

          location of the pipeline
          docket number of the filing
          instructions on how to get a copy of the application (usually on the FERC website)
          the date motions to intervene are due

8. The Applicant will hold an “open house” to discuss the project.  You should attend even if your land does not appear to be directly impacted.  Obtain as much information about the proposed route as possible.  If it appears that the pipeline route will not cross your property, you should still File as an Intervener .  The route may change and cross or abut your property, and intervener status allows you to help protect the interests of your community, environment and watersheds.


July 24th

Greenfield Community College 

6:00 p.m.

Dining Commons


  1. You may not care about the pipeline because it is not going through your backyard, but it could. People have to worry about the feeder lines, as well as the main line. I have not seen a map for where those will go.These people can not stop this thing, and they cannot tell them no. The company can take their land through eminent domain. The best that these people can do is fight for the best deal they can get. Bev. .

    1. This is somewhat like the cable line that was put in place by the telephone company during the sixties. It crossed the country, from what I was told. This cable line crossed Barre Road, went through Pohja's land and crosses South Road by the Kenesto Brook. It goes on through Hubbardston, and you can see it crossing Partridgeville Road. For years it was maintained by some company that would go in and clear cut it, they also sprayed to kill anything that wanted to grow. Every once and a while it was checked out by air, as they would fly over looking for problems. This cableline was a open invitation for dirt bikes that would put deep ruts in the wet areas, killing everything in the way. Trespassers did not understand it was not open to the public, and land owners spent a lot of time, putting up fences and keep out signs. So after all of that bother, the telephone company has abandon the cable line, the weeds and brush have taken over due to new technology. For the people who were in on this deal, the land on the cable line will never belong to them, but will just grow over and be a big mess. Bev.

  2. Good point about the abandonment of that easement by the phone company Bev. There are a lot of issues surrounding this pipeline one being the use of this gas line to transport oil from the Bakken Fields in North Dakota. Big Corporations run the world on money from our pension and retirement funds to name a few and their ties to government are legendary.
