Tuesday, August 12, 2014

1 Million Hits and Counting

1 Million Hits and Counting

Paul Cosentino, Sr started this blog in 2011 because of "wrongdoings" in the Town of Templeton. Some of the "wrongdoings" have been addressed BECAUSE of this blog. There are still 4 "wrongdoings" that were sent to the state for an investigation:

Investigation by Attorney General Citizen Petition

To see if the Town will vote to petition the General Court for special legislation as set forth below; provided, however, that the General Court may make clerical or editorial changes of form only to the bill which shall be within the scope of the general public objectives of this petition, or take any other action relative thereto:

An Act Relative to Request an Investigation by the Attorney General into the Following Incidents in the Town of Templeton.

The citizens of the Town of Templeton hereby request an investigation by the Attorney General into the following incidents:

An investigation into the activities of the Municipal Building Committee to include all transactions regarding the purchase of the 252 Baldwinville Road property and the USDA loan application process.

An investigation into the procedures and activities to allow the settlement and return of a gift of $369,681.40 to Casella Waste Systems on November 13, 2008.

An investigation into the activities and actions of the Templeton Board of Selectmen and the Templeton Municipal Light Department to enact Chapter 93 Acts of 2000.

An investigation into the activities and actions of legal counsel, Kopelman & Paige, regarding case 02-2424C heard before Judge Cornetta of Worcester Superior Court as well as the settlement of the Templeton Waste Water Treatment plant lawsuit and the Writs of Attachment.

There was a hearing at the Statehouse about these 4 "wrongdoings". As it stands, this bill is wasting away in a rules committee. It can be reintroduced. Rep. Andrews was present and testified on behalf of this bill. She has asked the governor and the attorney general to look at these issues. She is willing to re-introduce this bill.

Thank you to Pauly Sr for creating this blog as a forum to keep Templeton residents informed. RIP Pauly.


  1. I only wish Pauly could have seen this 1 million mark hit. It was not meant to be as other dissapointments we have in life we have we do the best we can and look to change things for the better. Pauly has done us all a big favor and i respect him for that. Others who sought to damage Templeton were held up from doing it as we started to see the truth pauly brought to light.
    RIP Pauly

  2. Many thanks to Representative Denise Andrews for bringing this town meeting vote for an investigation before the Senate Committee responsible for such matters. Ms. Andrews was the only State Representative with the courage to put the citizen's of Templeton before the special interest groups. Thank you Representative Andrews for your courage and interest in the citizen's of Templeton!

    1. Our Senator Steve Brewer would not help with this matter, and that is sad. It would seem the political forces were strong enough to stop him from doing the right thing for the people in this town. All of the political favors he has done, and the good intentions he has had, do not amount to much if he could not find the courage to walk across the hall and drop investigation on the Atty. General's desk, or who ever could do the job, and tell them to "look into this." We did not ask him to do anything else?? He did not have to get his hands dirty, just do what is right for our town. Rep. Denise Andrews carried a big burden with her, on the first year as a Representative, because she backed Pauly and the rest of us looking for justice for our small town. Denise did very well by the people of our town this past couple of years, getting us a hearing on Pauly's Investigation, bailing out the Senior Center, getting them a new van real reasonable, and working for the residents in her district. Bev.
