Thursday, August 21, 2014

Apologies for Narragansett murals/memorials

Apologies for Narragansett murals/memorials
Letter to the Editor: 8/20/2014

As Principal of Narragansett Regional High School, I am sorry for the way things were handled concerning the murals and memorials at NRHS.

I am in charge of the high school, and ultimately responsible for the decisions made on my watch, and the many results that occur from these decisions.

Please let me extend to the affected families, my deepest sympathy for your loss and the genuine pain you continue to endure.

I am sorry.

My hope is to learn from this experience and make the changes necessary to improve our communication, programs and service to students.

Shawn Rickan
Narragansett Principal

FoxNews murals


  1. Well Mr. Rickan, are you gonna return the murals back to their original state?

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  2. I've been told the names removed have been put back. It would have been nice if the people who gave the orders to remove the names would have sent out notes of sorrow also. I feel bad for Mr. Rickan as i know he is just the fall guy on this topic. The real issue is not the removal of the names it was the "cracks" the advise the administration had been given fell through.If other advise they are given also falls through the "cracks" we need to replace who allows the cracks in the first place. This starts at the top and gets blamed on the lower tier. I found it alarming the school committee did not know about this till i called it to the their attention. I can only imagine what other advise they are also not told about. Miller was advised to meet with the family and let them know about this and failed to follow the advise for whatever reason. Even though my daughters was not touched my family felt disrespect by the actions taken can only imagine the hurt caused to the others that did have the names removed. Riverside has alot of learning to do if they think this would help anyone. My guess would be huff n puff would do something like this.

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  3. You should work for riverside puffit you have no clue either. Keep hidden! I wouldn't want anyone knowing you either.

    1. It does seem like there is a disconnect between the reality the people in our town live with, and what goes on in the school. I would think a vote of "no confidence" in the leadership would be appropriate about now, more than ever. Bev.

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  4. Just a reminder huffin it's for you to comment.

  5. I think we should continue this topic and see what else can get brought out in the open.
    For the sake of the kids we need to check the performance of the administration,school committee and anything that we fund with our tax dollars. After all it is us who are the ones who vote the rule makers in.It is the responsibility of the town people to keep them all in line with oversight, monitoring all their actions. A full list of changes need to be put in the minutes of school committee meetings. This way we know they were told of the changes made by the administration. Like did they go out and purchase a school bus. Change jobs from union to nonunion. Other issues are sure to surface when the questions get asked and as i was told there are more and more every year. How we made out with the free land for the new school is one way our money gets lost again and again. I think the "under effort" comment used should be a "under wasted" The school is like the Light and Water they will spend every dime they can get their hands on.Proof is with the state increase of the transportation money and not a dime given back to the towns who need it the most. Looking at other towns and what they did also shows the towns who does what.Like Bev says it will all come out in the wash but may also have teeth to bite them in the ass with !
