Saturday, August 9, 2014

FoxNews -Templeton mural made in memory of teen painted over

FoxNews -Templeton mural made in memory of teen painted over

Gansett Greatness- for a limited time only.


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  2. Any and all comments are welcome with identity of poster and will not be removed.
    Huff and Puff is a hide only poster and is the cause of these new rules for comments.
    If the person behind Huff n Puff was not a "enter BLANK" this blog would not have had to be changed to have this rule and the public input could be as it was a short time ago.
    Being one of the Blog administrators is not taken lightly and rules are only put in place to protect the whole public that reads and don't post comments.
    Thank you for your understanding and readership.
    In the future as always we will try to keep Templeton and beyond INFORMED like my uncle Pauly wanted.
    RIP Pauly

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  3. A question has been ask to me ,why was no one from the school committee at the meeting to support the families when they were all notified of the meeting for the families. The people who elected them wanted them to show up and show solidarity on this issue. Needless to say they are dissatifsied no one did. I credit the chair of the committee for her concern and compassion while keeping in touch after bringing this to her attention. She gets it!
    As with other things in our town, things are just not right. The fact the school committee had no knowledge of the action being taken on this memorial removal agenda is more of a draw bridge left up and not a crack it fell through like Miller calls it.
    Our shool committee had no knowledge of this until i brought it to their attention on Wednesday myself. When i first heard of this i called to let them know how the action would harm people in ways not understood by people who have not lost a child or close loved one. This has the potential of erasing the healing that is so hard to accomplish.
    I question the judgement of the administration in charge of this and the advise they have recieved by the professionals at Riverside Trauma center. Many i have spoken with have told me things that would have never been brought to my attention.
    What do we pay for the advise they have been given and do the results have any impact on our community/children,that is positive? I would be asking for a refund for the missguided service they provided.
    As some of the comments made by huff n puff prove a lack of compassion comparable to a heckling heathen.
    I warn you huff n puff identify or you will pay a price you may not be able to afford if you continue. "Quit"while your ahead!

  4. The class of 1974 - Narragansett, Robert Olsen was killed in a car accident and a friend in the car was hurt very seriously. This was talked about in school for a good while between us, the students, with things like how fast were they going, where did it happen and how and what was going on that night. Was it rain, the leaves on the road etc. etc and on and on. would the passenger live, would he be a vegetable, would he be half okay and some went to visit him and talk with the family. Some of us spent much time with Bob's parents and sister Sheryl. We handled things differently back then. Oh, there was a tribute in our class year book. We had a class member kill themselves, we had a class member lose parts of their legs in a car accident and we had a student lose part of his arm. He came back to school and in playing a game of dodge ball, he made light of the fact there were two against one but since he was half a person and the other guy was half a person it was indeed one on one. Yes it was a different time back then but we had the same things happen as we have today but back then if a kid had an accident at a friends house and the parents called a doctor or took you to the emergency room, those parents were thanked rather than sued. What scares me more than anything is the fact that with all the combined college education and degrees within the walls of Narragansett, they had to go look for some so called "experts" and find out to deal with and communicate about death. I think they missed the most important part, communication! As Led Zepplin sang, "Communication break down, drives me insane......" A final thought is if people with a teaching certificate along with a college degree cannot or do not know to communicate on this one subject, then how in the hell are they teaching the kids anything because it is kind of hard to teach anyone anything if you cannot communicate. In the military, at least in ground forces, you learn three basic things, shoot, move and communicate. Shooting involves acquire target, sight picture & alignment, move equates navigation and communicate equals getting information to those who need or want it effectively. So when the decision involving the murals and the whole subject of student death/ suicide, the district needed to "snap in" on who they wanted to target, students, parents and media, then move or navigate thru the various outlets such as print, phone, video and so-called social media like facebook and communicate kind of speaks for itself as in clear and effective. Hopefully lessons have been learned and remembered.

  5. I have to say how refreshing it is to see all the negative comments being deleted by the blog admin. good job!

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  6. Thank you J! I hope you and others will continue to uas this blog as in the past it can and will solve Templeton problems by bringing to the forfront problems most people know little about. Political issue are how this blog started as you know and will continue to keep people informed. Iurge everyone to follow the TMLWP issues as it has a direct line to your walets. As shown in the email threads the things in Templeton are not as they should be. Driscoll need to be watched and need to have a reality check done soon!

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  7. Is it time to dig for more information on this issue?
    Does the public have any thought of that being done or not?

  8. Puffy and others are the reason we changed how the blog is run. I had heard from a number of people that they did not want to read some of the comments that were made, especially around election time. Unnamed bloggers would tend to get nasty, "sometimes over the top nasty" and the people who read this for knowledge, were sick of this going on. As I Dave and I have said, "the people who read this blog, do not have to put up with this behavior any longer." Puffy can get in the game with everyone else or continue to be deleted. Bev.
