Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Representative Andrews Shares Views and Thanks


  1. I would personally like to thank Denise Andrews for her selfless efforts to bring good government to the areas she has served. I speak specifically to her efforts to bring to light the absolute screwing the Town of Templeton took concerning the Wastewater Treatment Plant Contract between the town and Erving Paper Mills Inc. The question many have is will our new State Representative just let these efforts fade away by befriending large corporations at the expense of the doomed. Thank you again Ms Andrews for putting your constituents before self-interest in the matter concerning Templeton's request to right the many wrongs done to this community through its town meeting vote for an investigation.

    1. Denise worked very hard for our town, and because of her work the seniors in our community are better off. Denise was willing to fight for the people in Templeton, not ducking from issues that other politicians shied away from. I only hope our new representative is as dedicated to the people in this town as Denise was. Time will tell, and it will come out in the wash. Bev.
