Tuesday, February 10, 2015

BOS Meeting February 9, 2015

BOS Meeting February 9, 2015
The BOS meeting took place last night as scheduled. Included in the Town Administrator’s report were:

An update on the Inclement Weather Policy-This policy was adopted. It clarifies the process of who makes the determination to close town offices.

Contract was voted for the Triennial Revaluation of property with Vision for $45,000.

Communication regarding surplus property from the Gardner Police Department.

Playground funding  - the governor has cut the $85,000 state funding for the playground dedicated to Gladys Salame. This is known as a 9C cut. The town will need to figure out a way to come up with the $85,000 to pay for the playground.

The Cable Hearing opened at 6:45 pm. The cable contract expires on December 22, 2015. Part of the process to negotiate a new contract is to hold a hearing. Possible negotiated items are:

Density requirements
Drops to 150 feet
Senior discounts
15% competition for special relief eliminated
Technical upgrades
Live feed to Middle School auditorium
Equipment grants for NRSD for computers, TVs, audio
Fiber feed for town hall
Equipment grants for senior center, drops
3 PEG channels
Video return lines/GIS/public safety
Capital “grant”
Station manager position

The BOS voted to allow the cable commission to use a special attorney to assist with the contract negotiations.

Other news –

Re-Use Committee will meet on Wednesday February 18th at 2 pm

Attempts are being made to get the School committee votes, which changed the composition of the budget sub-committee members. The new policy does NOT include any members of the Boards of Selectmen in either town.
Highway department needs Used Motor Oil. The used motor oil heats the highway barn. Used motor oil can be dropped off during working hours at the highway department.


  1. Why would anyone spend money they did not have in their hand ??? A promise from the State, is as empty as a bucket with a hole in the bottom !! So now what ?? Where is the money going to come from ?? I hope people have learned a lesson, "get it in writing" as Pauly would have said. For once in my life, I am at a loss for words. Bev.

  2. Lets hope the carpet stays under the rest of the other money we were getting for the senior center construction. With the budget from the school not public who will know how we stand for money and when will we know how much needs to be cut.

  3. Will grant money for the new chip boiler also be cut or is that safe. I see 4 unknowns that can slap us good in the walet and make for a bad year ending again. Is this how the state looks out for the small towns.

  4. Dave, I hear the Highway Dept can not get any more salt because the State took it all !! So if this is true, we can thank them for this also. Don't expect roads to be down to black top,. if the salt is not there to help things melt. Bev.

  5. Dave, I hear the Highway Dept can not get any more salt because the State took it all !! So if this is true, we can thank them for this also. Don't expect roads to be down to black top,. if the salt is not there to help things melt. Bev.

  6. False Bev. Your source is unreliable and should be treated as such.
    Who did you hear this from and when. We recieved a load yesterday afternoon and have more on the way.
