Monday, February 2, 2015

Meetings the Week of February 2, 2015

Meetings the Week of February 2, 2015

Monday 2/2/15
Sewer                        Reservoir St            4:30 pm
BOS                        East Temp.            6:30 pm
Cancelled due to inclement weather

Tuesday 2/3/15
Capital Planning          Boynton PL            6:30 pm
Planning Board            East Temp.             6:30 pm

Wednesday 2/4/15
Assessors                     East Temp             2:00 pm
Adv. Board                  East Temp.            6:30 pm
ZBA                            East Temp             6:30 pm

Part 1 of the January 12, 2015 BOS Meeting

Part 2 of the January 12, 2015 BOS Meeting

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