Friday, February 20, 2015

Money - Money - Money

Question of the day, Will anyone from our (Town of Templeton) management team, anyone, look into the possibility of getting some funds from the state and or the federal government to help cover the costs of snow removal during the state of emergency declared by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? Selectmen???? Town Administrator???? Advisory Board????

Is anyone willing to take the time, do the work required to even ask the question and press the issue to see if there are funds and to ask if the Town of Templeton can get some? The Commonwealth will most certainly go to FEMA to get funds to cover some of the costs that was incurred by them for snow & Ice so why not the Town?? It is, in my opinion, worth the effort to at least try. The question is does any of our management team care enough to try??

Jeff Bennett


  1. Area cities and towns are getting help from the state as in equipment to aid in snow removal, paid for by the state, where is Templeton's management team in this???

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    2. It will be interesting to see if someone picks up your suggestion, and actually does something with it, but don't hold your breath. Mr. Markle is on vacation for a couple of weeks in Florida, but I know he is checking in with Holly on a daily basis. Some of our Selectmen think the job of Selectman, consists of running in the door, on the night of their meeting, with out reading the information Mr. Markle has ready for them, ahead of time. Earlier this winter, Julie spent time checking to see what we could use as a emergency shelter, just in case any of our residents needed a place to go, due to a power outage, or other problems. These are the things a Selectman should do, in theory, but I know if she had not done it, no one else would have. Sweat and elbow grease have made the East Templeton School a beautiful Town Hall. Out of five Selectman only two have done any work to get this job done. The two people who did work to make this ugly duckling a beautiful swan, did what they could because they knew how badly the town needed one place as a traditional Town Hall. Doug. Morrisson and his wife Diana spent a good amount of time cleaning, painting, and working to make this a success. Without a doubt Julie and Pete hold a record for the most time spent working to make this project a reality. Most of Julie's summer vacation, weekends, and other time off, she spent working on this project. I am telling you this because I would like you to stop when you get in the door of our New Town Hall, look around and appreciate the effort and the patience it took to make this a reality. The job of a Selectman is as much as a person wants it to be, or as little. It can be just taking up space, or contributing to try to make our town a better place to live in. If someone tells you they want to run for Selectman, just ask them why ??. Bev.

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  2. As with any project one has to look back to the beginning and remember who save this building from the distruction it would soon have. I want to thank Jeff Bennett and Will Spring for the efforts We put forth to save this building while people fought over where the new town hall would be. The roof was tarped 2 times and leaks were held off to insure our goals were able to be possible when the town finally could see through the lies and fraud former selectmen would push on us.
    The people in Templeton have and will continue to watch over their town and when they see things wrong will follow people who blow the whistle on the wrongdoings of people in power. Those in power now must remember they work for the whole town and all people. Not just the" voter block" they were elected by.
