Monday, February 23, 2015

Solar Task Force Meeting in Holyoke This Thursday

Solar Task Force Meeting in Holyoke This Thursday

Dear Select Board members,

I wanted to give you the heads-up about a solar task force meeting this Thursday in Holyoke, and invite you to take part.

The Net Metering and Solar Task Force was created by the Legislature last year and charged with making recommendations on the future of solar policy in Massachusetts. Some of the task force members, including representatives from utility companies, are pushing for changes to solar policy that would undermine the continued growth of solar energy and prevent many homeowners and small businesses from going solar.

As you know, Massachusetts can get at least 20% of its electricity from solar within the next ten years, but it will take the right policies from state government to make it happen. We are asking task force members to preserve and expand existing solar policies that are working, like net metering, and ensure that the benefits of solar are available to all customers regardless of location or income level.

This Thursday, the task force is holding its second and final public comment meeting in Holyoke. We are encouraging local officials, business owners, and other coalition partners to attend the meeting and make sure that the task force members are hearing a strong pro-solar message.

Are you able to attend the public comment meeting this Thursday, and would you be interested in making a brief statement in support of solar energy? The meeting is from 10 AM - 12:30 PM Thursday at the Kittredge Center for Business and Workforce Development at Holyoke Community College.

If you can't be there in person, you can also submit comments via email to

Please let me know if you have any questions and if you are interested in making a comment in person or submitting a comment online. Thanks so much for your support.

Ben Hellerstein

Campaign Organizer
Environment Massachusetts
294 Washington Street, Ste. 500 :: Boston, MA 02108

1 comment:

  1. Would you like to put some solar panels on your roof, to help with the cost of your electricity ?? Don't hold your breath, it won't happen in Templeton, as long as we have the Light Commissioners, and JD running the show !! I guess it is not in his "master plan" for us. Oh yes, you can spend your own money and install them, the Light will not buy your extra electricity. Companies that would invest in putting solar on your land, just have to hear Templeton, and it is the end to that discussion.Now these Commissioners would like you to think they are working for you ?? So what is wrong with this picture....Everything, in how I see it. What do you think ?? Bev.
