Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Templeton Center School

Templeton Center School

Last fall, I met with the Historic Commission to request a letter in support of preserving Templeton Center School as a "culturally significant" building in the community. The Historic Commission agreed and voted to send a letter to the BOS. I made this request so that we could ask Community Preservation Committee for funds to repair the roof at Templeton Center School.

The request  to the Historic Commission was made BEFORE the Templeton Elementary School Building committee changed its mind yet again to focus on the Templeton Center School site (and beyond!) I made this request for a number of reasons. The main reason is the fact that children still occupy Templeton Center School and the roof is in desperate need of repair.

The Town of Templeton does NOT have a bond rating at this time. After the audits of FY 13 and FY 14, we should be able to have our bond rating restored. I don't know how long this process will take. I do know Templeton does not have the resources to fix the roof at Templeton Center - the only resources for such an undertaking would have to come from CPC money.

Here are a few images posted to Facebook today:

How much longer do we wait?
Julie Farrell

1 comment:

  1. I hope your letter did not get lost, due to the very fact the Elementary School Building Committee has been surveying the area. There is no doubt in my mind that the Templeton Elementary School is culturally significant, so where is the letter ?? I will not stand by and let anyone tear this building down, if that is what is coming down the pipeline. I was too young when the Town demolished the Templeton Inn, to stop it. Down went a beautiful building, and we got the world's ugliest Fire Station. It is a shame the School Department is incapable of maintaining what they have, like when has T.C., seen a paint brush ?? It is not the fault of the people in this town, that the ESBC, has bungled this project so badly. Bev.
