Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Check it for your self; Contact local Highway Equipment dealer J C Madigan at

978-847-2900 - Tim Madigan or Municipal sales John Dwyer (cel phone 978-833-8315 / email @ jdwyer@jcmadigan.com) ask how much for one of the below bodies in stainless steel. Be prepared for 10 wheeler or six wheeler questions and such.

Multi-Purpose Dump Bodies

The Hi-Way® XT3 Type I spreads deicing materials at the rear or front with the optional front cross conveyor. The flat dump body floor allows hauling of virtually anything, including pallets and barrels. It also dumps with a front telescopic hoist that provides a low center of gravity and eliminates the need for a sub-frame.
The Hi-Way® XT3 Type II Front Discharge Multi-Purpose Dump Body broadcasts deicing material in the front of the drive tires for better traction and safety. The flat dump body floor allows hauling of virtually anything, including pallets and barrels, and the front telescopic hoist provides a low center of gravity and eliminates the need for a sub-frame.
The Hi-Way® XT3 Type III Multi-Purpose Dump Body spreads deicing materials at the rear of the box. The flat dump body floor allows hauling of virtually anything, including pallets and barrels. It also dumps with a front telescopic hoist that provides a low center of gravity and eliminates the need for a sub-frame.


  1. The question is how much ?? And where is the money coming from ??

  2. 40k and free cash that now we don't get due to audit?
    Not sure if the audit be completed this year or next so we can get on with the bond rate issue.
    Ponder the facts we now know about.
    School wants 4.7% or 170k increase + 80k for playground + reconstruction of 2013 books 1/2 years pay for accounting.
    As our town administrator works hard to keep the tax rate the same and reduce costs town wide the amount saved gets sucked up by the schools we are forever under effort on.
    With the highway and other town employees in the front line for any layoffs next year will we see a jump ship summer.
    Will we loose more emplyees and have this be another year of wounds insted of healing from the past years.
    It sure sound like the school system wants it that way. Weather it be in the tax rate or the town employees budget.

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