Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Chapter 90

Chapter 90


  1. So i see you can buy anything tru chapter 90 money !

  2. we should get a crack sealer like they did years ago . Gardner does it every year it seems to help a lot !!

  3. I agree mike. As far as the equipment and other things this grant program allow we get the ok from selectmen to do it. When we get the finger pointed in the highway dept direction we like the whole story to be told. As we see the state allows this list of many items and we have tried other ways to purchase equipment. The fact we have used a small portion of the overall chapter 90 grant monies with apporval of the select bord is telling the whole story. They knew they ok this use and when the truth comes out we all wonder whats behind the finger pointing.
    More to come!

  4. So if you want to spend chapter 90 money on equipment, which I never said was illegal or not approved, don't cry about not having any road repair money. It is all about how the money is applied. Town report from the highway dept. shows you can get equipment for zero dollars except probably transportation cost. I am curious about the $17,000.00 for pin and bushing of a loader (s)

  5. On March 16, 2015 @ 8:32, Dave Smart asked where would the money come from for salt shed, well the answer is right there in your post, use chapter 90 money to buy or build a proper salt shed of proper size and maybe then the salt will stay dry and won't clump up and you won't waste time screening it. Next question of where will the money come from?? Now convince the residents!

  6. Questions still unanswered are in the past five years, how many times has the town's grader been broken, what was broken, how did it happen and what did it cost to fix? What would the Templeton highway department do with all the time if they were not dealing with sand issues for months at a time?

  7. I think the best thing the Highway could do would be to purchase a crack filler. Many of the roads would not be in the shape they are in now if the cracks had been filled. Don't be to ready, to forget the financial mess this town has been and the fact that we are not out of the woods. Highway did what they were asked to do when they did all of the work on the Senior Center, and the new Town Hall . The reality is those projects would not get done any other way, but on the flip side, roads did not get fixed. Hopefully things will improve in the future, and with some money roads can get fixed and the guys on the Highway Dept. can get a raise. Bev

  8. took some pictures of some pot hole filling on Partridgeville Road. The pictures show material that apparently was just dropped into the hole and left in the hopes traffic would compact it. Looks like no tamping involved.

  9. Jeff so sorry i may have missed a couple when i was rolling them with the truck we borrowed from our cemetery dept.
    The work on your mothers street was to fill the worst holes and we used a medium load and didn't finish the street.
    Some times to endanger ourselves while rolling the patch we shovel in is a judgemnet call for our safety. Most people who see us in the roadway slow down and pass by safely others don't. After a few blow by without slowing down we kind of stop and move on to a safer place to be. After the loss of my Uncle who was working for the Gardner DPW when he was struck and killed on West street the fact we are in dangers way hits home. It's one thing to ride around in a truck but when "our" boots hit the pavement and were in the street some people/drivers could care less. We frequently get pass by cars,trucks,mart vans a high rates of speed. Some go by without and reduction of speed. Where is your camera when that happens. On corners,hill crests,sun blinding areas we get that and are careful as we can be. It's when the full view is possible and we don't get a brake that we look for a safer place to go patch. Take as many pictures as you can and build a scrapebook as the roads get worse by the day/season. The money will need to come from somewhere to fix them and when the town has no money a grinding/reclaimer machine sounds better and better.There are parts of your mothers road that are self reclaiming. Could it be the heavy out of state trucks doing some of this?
