Saturday, March 21, 2015

Re-Post Audio of TMLWP Meeting

Re-Post from May 14, 2013
A Blog for Chairman DANA

Click here for AUDIO 

As you stated at the last L+W commission meeting Dana, We are just a few chosen people causing the questions to be asked and answers to be “made up”. I say made up for the obvious reason that is what they are, MADE UP! I have said before and will say again, Opinions are our right and we all get them. Your opinion is it’s a few of us and mine is for a few of you! You are not any intimidation for me to be bothered by and you’re the one on notice here. Try this on for size, you lose your argument when you go off and F bomb like little Stevie B. does in public. The thought you cannot control your behavior is proof you are not fit for the position as chairman of L+W.  You make a lot of noise and you are one of the most arrogant people I know of. I’m sure there are worse but no one should be subject to the crap you spew to the public!

  As I have state in public and here on Templeton’s watch lies told from the board and manager are all yours ,you’re the chairman and their your boards departments. Period. This makes it all yours. If lies are there it’s all yours. If you can’t take the heat “QUIT” and join Virginia. Your behavior and language will be the focus as it was at the STM and part of the citizens petition. I don’t think the sewer commission will spend 5k on your bullshit one!  Besides why would you think any previous conditions would apply? Would you like to guess how that one will go? Mr. Moderator please move the question,Thank you!

The fact is no late tax list has been published by the town. Just pointing another mistruth out by your board.  A  Lack of leadership and motive for misinformation questions as to why the former chairman would say there was? Maybe to move the question? Cover the answers needed to be given. Stewy will fit in nice sitting next to you. “2” peas in a pod! Maybe you can teach each other a trick or two. When you started all this after the AMT you had no idea why I was going to the meetings but I think you have an idea whats up now. If not you may soon figure it all out.  To Raise water  rates was not your only option,you should have known that. MLG 44 sec53f1/2 paragraph 3= Such loss shall be in the succeeding fiscal year’s budget. But no let’s screw our customers again now and double the service charge.  Cause you run things right over there, like a business? Reluctantly we may pay it, But if you do charge it, That’s on you. “You “will pay the consequences for it. Where is the water budget requested, no reply? Where is the projected water budget for the next year? Why no Light budget in 2009 report? Why 2 years in a row the same budget in annual report ? Is this the clear transperencey you spew about? I can go on and on and I will save my time as people know the truth and listen to what you say. Click here for AUDIO of the most arrogant commissioner of the year! WARNING FOUL!!!!

No turbine certification? 2.5 million And no certification ? AAER is gone and so is your certification . Wow what a statement claim for me to have made last month. You have said we are insured for turbine catastrophic + liability . Travelers hasn’t given Princeton any relief on their turbine failures either. Maybe it’s to do with the lack of certifications? I’m sure the letter to Govenor Patrick will be a catalyst for the Templeton and other causes alike. It’s all about the money and it always points back to MMWEC. Go ahead hire the lawyer to see what you do over there,to protect the people and what you have there.But remember one thing Dana, it’s all on you. Why would you need to spend 7,139.20 about a forensic Audit citizen petition? Is it going to show something less than clean? Did Virginia quit for lack of support or figured out what I have filled her in on? It’s all about the money! “It is our Business”Always was and is!

1 comment:

  1. The Dept. of Revenue strongly suggested that the Town of Templeton work with the Light Department to come up with a PILOT payment. That is "payment in lieu of taxes," a payment most businesses pay the town they are in if they are tax exempt. As you have heard, our Light and Water manager has no plans to do anything for this town if he can avoid it. Now, if an amount was set for the Light Company to pay the town, wouldn't it seem reasonable for the Manager to put this into his budget so the money would be there when the payment was due ?? I would think this is what most other businesses would do. It does look to me like Manager has sucked up as much money as he could, so that there is not much to show at the end of the year. But like he said himself, "it's a bookkeeping thing" !! It is interesting to note, the Light Department is going to get another brand new truck this year. A new truck, two years in a row ?? How many businesses do you know of that can purchase new trucks, two years in a row ?? Looks like the Town's PILOT on wheels. as Pauly would say, hee, hee. Bev.
