Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Please Attend Annual Town Meeting May 16th !

Why attend Town Meeting?

Town meeting is YOUR opportunity to determine how YOUR local tax dollars are spent.

Town meeting is YOUR opportunity to participate in your town government.

Are you going to let a handful of people decide how YOUR tax money is spent?

Come and join the fun! Be inspired to participate!


1 comment:

  1. You would be surprised, at how many changes that affected the pocketbooks of residents living in this town, have been voted for by a small number of residents. It has happened all of the time. If you do not attend, you throw your vote away. These are changes that may affect your wallet for the rest of your life time. If you are having a hard time making ends meet now, it will not get any easier down the road. There are things we really need, but that is a lot different than wanting something. I want diamond earrings, but I do not need them. This day, Saturday May16, is a day you can have a voice in your future. The grass can wait to be cut on another day. Support your elected officials, grab a neighbor, and attend Town Meeting. Bev.
