Saturday, May 2, 2015

VOTE JULIE FARRELL ON MAY 4TH! by Diane Haley Brooks

Diane Haley Brooks  Facebook page

VOTE JULIE FARRELL ON MAY 4TH! Now is NOT the time for change. We have a Board of Selectman that has worked together over the past year to bring our town some stability, credibility and are on the road to financial wellness. Julie believes that living within our means is important and she speaks out behalf of that. Is everything perfect? No. Do we have a ways to go? Yes. The Board you want in place is the one you have right now and that includes Julie Farrell .

This Board of Selectman has made some tough decisions that were not popular, but we did it. We worked together with our Department Heads and employees to bring us to where we are today and I am so grateful for that. We worked together with Bob Markel and again all of us as a Board asking him to stay on another year to help us bring Templeton farther forward. Julie has talked about free cash, capital planning and helping to renew our bond rating. Julie has experience, background and is committed to getting the job done and continuing the work that she has started.

Julie takes the time to do the research, the homework and speaks out on what she believes is needed here and also not needed here in our community. Julie has been involved with town government since the 1990's and helped stop the landfill, helped stop toxic substances from being dumped at our treatment plant, has served on the school committee and the board of selectman for many years.

Julie has put in more hours than she will ever say or we could ever count painting our new town hall, helping with the move from the old building to the new building and more importantly helping ensure we have a place where all of our departments are housed together for the benefit of our residents. Julie has been involved in the Senior Center from the beginning and again has put in countless hours volunteering time doing whatever is needed to bring that building to life. Julie states that the new Town Hall is a part of Templeton's recovery and she is right. We owe a debt of gratitude to all that volunteered time, resources and funds to that project to help bring us forward and bring us together.

Julie is involved with and is for our new elementary school and she will help that effort move forward. She asks the questions that maybe not everyone wants to hear, but she stands behind her beliefs and what is for the benefit of our community and that is why we are elected ~ for the residents and taxpayers.

Julie Farrell is the best person for the job to continue to take Templeton forward. We have worked together as a Board, I believe we are in a better place financially, we have started projects as a Board and I would like to see that continuity be maintained. We are on the road to recovery, our community needs the background, the experience and the person that will speak out for what our community needs.

Again, now is NOT the time for change.



  1. I couldn't agree more. change, for the sake of change gives us nothing. six years ago "we", not me, voted for "hope and CHANGE". we got change alright. we took a constitutional democracy, and changed it to a socialist monarchy. at this point this town needs people to work FOR THE TOWN, and TAX PAYERS, not change. we have a bos that works for US. vote farrell.

  2. Can someone please explain to me why Julie Farrell isn't the problem? I say this because it appears from the above article that she has been deeply involved in Templetons business since the 1990's.
    Doesn't this show that she was a part of the "government" that got us in the situation we are in today?She has served on the School committee and the BOS which are the two boards that have cost taxpayers the most money over the past 20 years.

    How does Julie explain, and what part did she play in the constant requirements for overrides from the school department over the past years.
    What part did Julie play in the problems the town has come to realize in the past few years.
    I dont know Julie from "jack" but I do know that if she has been part of the team that got us here?

    I read the comment ahead of mine and if that is who supports Julie, well, I'm going to be voting in another direction.

  3. Hello Bob M.

    I don't know you from "jack" either. If you want more information about me and my political life, the best way to start would be to start reading this blog from its inception. There are links to all sorts of documents and videos - excellent primary source material. Other sources for information on Julie Farrell include the Citizens 4 Templeton website . I urge YOU to thoroughly review these sites.

    I have stepped up as a resident to serve this community - Templeton for over 20 years. I have spoken out about the use of Free Cash and use of Stabilization money for the operating budget. I believe the town should live within its means and have voted for that many times. It's part of the record.

    I hope you are inspired to participate in town government. Commenting on the blog is a first step. Attending different board meetings and town meetings is another way to participate. Running for elected office is yet another way to help make this town a better place.

    What are YOUR ideas for a better run government? What are YOUR ideas for a better school department? What are YOUR ideas to improve town government that have no cost?

    Please Vote on May 4th!

    Please vote for FARRELL on May 4th!

    Vote FARRELL May 4th

  4. Bob ,Julie has been in the minority for the most of the time mistake were being made. The old red barn crew /SKELETONS?
    came close to running Templeton into the ground. Time and time again i watched the former chairman Gerry Skelton belittle her for speking up about spending or sending pink slips to school personel due to shortages of funds to pay the budget. But a quick call to his old department of Light and water prodused a sum enough to cover all the problems till the free cash dried up and the stabilization millions were gone and now we have what you see. A struggle and people who are in charge haveing to explain like we are now to you.After i saw the treatment of Julie by Skelton /Columbus/Stewart/others as well i couldn't sit back and see the rest of the town fall over too. I stuck my nose in everywhere and anywhere i could asking question and putting people on the spot about money and costs. You are the ones i was looking out for when i asked a question of the Light dept. about the customer charge of 4.00 per month and what they did with this extra pile of money they charge us 170k to be charged us for what? You after me questioning it save and only pay 3.00 per month.It just points out if no questions are asked they would charge what they want.As with the lower cost for our nuke payments who get the reduction? I don't see it. Don't people think we should get a reduction or a larger PILOT payment or one at all?
    Julie has tried like myself to better Templeton along with many others hope we do just that. To support the Julie who knows very little about this town or could care less about how meetings should be run would be in my opinion a waste of progress this board of selectmen have made.
    I support Julie Farrell the only choice!
    Vote Julie Farrell

  5. To make anything work in Town Government you need a team that is working for for the same cause. During the times you reference, Julie was on the BOS, but she was just one vote. Kind of like swimming against the tide, with a rock around your neck. Much has changed since the 90's, and not all of that has been good, that is why the blog exists. Yes Julie was on those Boards, but she was not a deciding vote. Trust me when I say if Julie does not get elected we are in deep crap. That is the bottom line. Bev.
