Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day!

For those of you fortunate enough to have your dad around, time to celebrate!
It's not a very good day for golfing, or kayaking. Maybe fishing? Going out to eat?  Cribbage anyone?


  1. Humor concerning Fathers Day
    Yesterday I happen to read a column on Fathers day and some advice given to children.
    One was from a daughter who recalled her dad telling her I don't care if you are sleeping together or if you are having sex with him, just don't marry the moron.

    Another memory was a dad telling his daughter to always make your boyfriend wear a condom, he won't like it, but he will like it just enough.
    I thought the best was from an electrician dad who said boys have plugs, girls have outlets, watch out for corroded wires and always use a surge protector.

    Please remember, there are a lot of military dads who are out and about in parts unknown so if you are lucky enough to have your dad around, do something for him or with him.

  2. I was so lucky to have a dad that worked when he was healthy and worked when he was sick, to keep a roof over our heads. He was the third generation of his family to live in this Town of Templeton. He loved the land he lived on, everything about it, rocks and all. We had a little farm that he worked on, weekends and nights, and he worked full time in the factory. The farm gave us vegetables in the summer and enough potatoes to last through the winter. Dad did not get involved politically, or play golf, he did not have time. We cut our own wood, and he always said," if you drop a piece of wood, let it go !" If you could see the size of the saw he ran off the tractor, you would know why. It could take your arm off in a heart beat. He taught us about wild life and Dad had a great respect for nature. One important thing he taught us was to check the oil ! He always said it was cheaper to buy oil than a new engine. It is too bad everyone could not have a dad like him. I know I was lucky. Bev.
