Sunday, June 21, 2015

 Templeton highway 1989 Excavator

26 years old

According to Gardner news article it has 10,000 - 15,000 hours

Generally, on diesel engines and the  construction equipment I have operated, the hour meter begins when the engine runs. Example: while working in the commercial diving field, we changed oil on compressors every 100 hours. A CAT engine may require engine oil change at 200 hours.

10,000 hrs divided by 26 years = 384.615385 hours per year

machine rolls out every day - 384.615385 divided by 52 weeks = 7.3964497 hours per week

machine is seasonal  384.615385 hours divided by 26 weeks = 14.7928994 hours per week

use the larger number of 15,000 hours

15,000 divided by 26 years = 576.923077 hours per year

machine rolls out every day - 11.0946746 hours per week

machine is seasonal 576.615385 hours divided by 26 weeks = 22.1893491 hours per week

Since my calculator has not been calibrated in a while, someone may wish to check the math and I did not round any numbers because with all the new math, things may have changed.

From what my calculator came up with, it does not look like that machine gets all that much use and I have to wonder what a manufacturer would think of those numbers and if they think with proper maintenance if there is any useful life left in a machine of this age. Maybe I call a few tomorrow and see.

perhaps there is a mathematician out there who can check this and ensure proper procedure was used to come up with these figures as it has been a long time since elementary school math.

Jeff Bennett


  1. Again Jeff left out one part of the story that the hour meter had failed and was replaced.
    So if we don't purchase a new excavator heres what Templetons highway dept can look forward to.
    Repair cost to the one we have now.
    Very low reliability and high breakdown rates. No starts. Leaks Leaks Leaks.
    Possible we won't have roads ready for the contractors when they arrive to do pave jobs.Extra cost involved could happen.
    In the end without a new one,You/we get what we get with what we had to do it with. It's hard to tell what.
    The roads side work will be minimal only as needed to make sure the job is ready for the contractors when they arrive.
    With a limited season to do this work one has to question reliability of the equipment used.
    Brought forward by Bud to town administrator and selectmen the condition and options the decision is up to the selectboard.
    Spend on old or replace with new.
    No matter what calculator you use to mathmatically figure this out. Reality is the last two sentences.
    The rest is in the eyes of those that behold.
    Come look at the facts in front of you and ask questions.

  2. Could we get a breakdown in minutes/seconds/nano seconds?
