Saturday, June 20, 2015

Hubbardston outsource Accounting....

According to article in The Gardner News, the Town of Hubbardston will out source their accounting services and it was stated that right from the beginning the Town will save. The salary for town employed accountant was $37,700.00 and the Town will now budget $35,000.00 for the outsourced position. Now if one recalls, last year at a BOS meeting, some info handed out to selectmen and during discussion, it was stated that a secretary for the police department would cost $57,000.00, $37,000.00 in salary and $20,000.00 in benefits so that 2000 dollar plus savings in salary may equate to more since no benefits involved with a contract or out source position. Time will tell and at the same time, the regional dispatch between Gardner and Athol is very interesting to watch.

Maybe Dave Smart should call Hubbardston and tell them how wrong they are to deal with contractors, that is the wrong approach.

Jeff Bennett


  1. As you know Jeff Bennett the instability of our own accounting under your watch didn't work out so well.
    The accounting profession i would say is a little different than the normal realm of the contracting you may be thinking of.
    As the town hopes to repair it's financial standing it's nice to know we finally have a professional doing our accounting not just an actor collecting a pay check. How quickly did the last accountants leave and made no real change in our problems.
    As we found out in the spring we needed to do the same all over again. Tough talk from Matt produced no changes at the TMLWP and were again paying to do that work again. This is one more time when a contractor may work when all else has failed.
    More checks and balances would have been better for our town in the past.

  2. SO: JEFF BENNETT how much money does the highway make on the school plowing?
    Why won't you answer how much Bud told whoever it was.
    Would that not make thing sound the way you keep trying to make them sound?
    Just one simple answer. Maybe you don't have a answer for the questions you don't even ask anyone.

  3. Last time I checked, I do not answer to town employees and the fact is, Bud Chase stated at a selectmens meeting that the Town makes money plowing the schools because it does not cost that much to do it, end of story. If you want to know so bad go ask Bud. Now if you think light & water is so F'd up, go run for commissioner and fix it.

  4. So you never were there when Bud said how much it cost to plow the schools sand the schools and clean the sand at the schools?
    You don't have to answer to anyone anymore JEFF BENNETT.
    But please just ask the questions before you post things "you" call facts.
    If Bud says we make money we make money. The people who read should know how much.
    Make a dollar or loose a dollar? I think the amount is a hard thing to pinpoint and if needed the amount would be a educated guess. It would depend on the season like a contractor who also takes a gamble at it.
    It would take a selectboard who understands the issues at TMLWP to make the changes needed. They would need to act like a auditing authority. They never have. You should know that.

  5. Check out the facts from June 18th and see the facts you read are a little off there too!
