Tuesday, June 30, 2015

In case you lost count;

At a special Town meeting back on March 29, 2014, article 5, Town meeting voted to take on debt of $3,500,000.00 for the wood chip boiler project. You may wish to check, but I believe the Town was told the project would pay for itself. Article 6, special Town meeting vote on March 29, 2014; $500,000.00 additional debt for the design part of the new school, so that would make the total appropriated so far for that project at 1 million 50 thousand dollars ($1,000,050.00) and I would like to know if anyone can provide us an accurate accounting of all of those funds. Last time I asked for an accounting of the original $550,000.00, I was told it would take a while and cost me $650.00 to get it. It was stated at the selectmen meeting on Monday, June 29, 2015 that $341,000.00 would be needed to get through the schematic design phase. Perhaps sometime in the near future and before asking for 50 million dollars, someone (preferably the selectmen) can show us an accurate accounting of the above mentioned funds, $100,050.00.

Jeff Bennett

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