Friday, June 19, 2015

Slippery Slope

Slippery Slope

Should the Snow & Ice Overrun be spread over 3 Years?

A few too many IFs, Ands or Buts....


  1. The Advisory Board recommended other cuts in the budget in order to fund the snow and ice deficit. Despite how that was misrepresented by a selectmen, it was not just to put more money aside. The Selectmen recommended a budget, which was approved by those at Town Meeting, that included $0 for the snow and ice deficit. The people who were at Town Meeting agreed with the BOS, and approved a budget of $0 for snow and ice, while restoring the health agent to 35 hours (from 19 then 20 hours in 2015), increasing funding for dispatch, restoring the tree warden $5k budget (so don't worry - no trees will fall in Templeton!). Also, there are two FTE (full time equivalent) positions in the Fire budget. That funding was approved at Town Meeting a couple years back, and the money for benefits (pension, health ins. etc) was put into the budget. The Fire Chief has not sent this money to pay for benefits, so the net effect was to increase town spending because these benefits are funded but are instead used for Fire Dept. salaries.

    Templeton got exactly what they voted for. I don't think it was a wise choice, but voters had the option of funding this deficit from 2016 revenue and getting that monkey off our back.

  2. Mark i think the selectmen you refer to is the former chairman who did the misrepresenting correct?
    With no tree warden and what little can be done with that amount it's hard to believe the tree that fell in another city with a large budget for the tree warden could sway our towns elected people. Be as it may the highway people along with other departments do what we can to protect from a problem not under control. Trees have a way to hide their health and the warden is only a small part of the overall subject. Money is the ruler of all evil and that comes in many forms,including our government.
