Monday, June 8, 2015

Some things on excavator at Templeton highway

According to Bud Chase, the excavator is a 1989 model bought by the Town in 1991 for $89,000.00.
It was also disclosed that so far there has been $26,000.00 on maintenance to date on the excavator.
Bud stated that the excavator rolls out of the yard almost every day. Then clarified it is a seasonal machine. Also clarified was the $100,000.00 per year on maintenance on the equipment. Turns out that is what is spent on all Town equipment that the mechanic works on so it seems we have not really heard an accurate dollar figure for maintenance on only highway equipment. It was also stated that the excavator has 10,000 hours on it. That may sound like a lot until you figure at 26 years old, that works out to about 385 hours per year.

It was stated by Bud Chase that a new excavator now could be had for under $250,000.00 with a trade value on the old machine at $14,500.00. Also asked about was which would be more important to the Town, a new excavator or new trucks which do get used all year round.

Jeff Bennett

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