Monday, December 28, 2015

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Tax Bills

Ho! Ho! Ho!  Merry Tax Bills

 Your recent Tax Bill does not include the costs for a new school nor the police station. Ho ! Ho ! Ho!


  1. So why was town hall closed at 2:30 today? How are people supposed to pay their tax bills if the entire Town Hall is closed?

    Why wasn't the change in hours posted on the town website?

  2. Ok!

    I found the posting that town hall will be closed all day on Monday December 28th as well as Monday January 4th.

    Are these dates new holidays? Happy December 28th everyone!

  3. Looks to me like a 3-5 % increase in values. So much for a law of 2 1/2 increase. On top of what we all were told the increase would be we are getting an added amount in the total we need to pay. Did we vote to increase the tax we are required to pay?
    Do we get to vote on the taxes we are required to pay?
    If you think the vote is lost your correct.
    What will rates look like by the time the school cost are added in.
    Hold onto your wallets.

  4. david, dor sets rates, not templeton! when a ranch sell for 280k, all ranches values go up. find out what causes values to go up before you mouth off !!!!

  5. How can this tax rate be approved without an audit of the past 3 years?????

    Look at your tax bills. We pay ridiculous amounts of "overage" above that 2 1/2 about 50% of the time because of poor management and an out of control school system.

    This needs to stop or we will have abandoned homes all over templeton. Look at all the for sale signs now.....

    1. Bob M, if you and I put up a for sale sign, who is going to buy our property ?? I do fear the worse is ahead of us. After the school vote, one of the principals came up to me, to thank me for my public service, even though he did not agree with me. I told him that the vote was the very worse thing that could happen to the Town of Templeton. I asked him what he was going to do with a little kid that needed to go out to play, with no place to go ? What I got for a response was to the effect, that they would think of something. I can't quote him, because I can't remember what he said exactly, but I got the feeling most of the school people did not think it would pass. So if this bad plan goes forward, reality says that a place for parking is needed, along with a place for the kids to play. Don't forget what it takes for finding a place for the kids to go to school while this all is going on. Now who do you think is going to pay for all of those little extras ??? Aah, go look in the mirror, yes, it is you.

    2. Guess who was doing a Irish gig, filled with joy that the school vote had passed ? Mr.Hemman, the man who is filling in as superintend. It seems he spent $400.00 out of his pocket to produce the letters that went out, pushing people to vote for this bad plan. It seems the people who do not live in this town and some that do, but do not pay taxes, were filled with joy at the schools passing. Think about that for a few minutes. I wonder how the people who moved here because it was cheap, are feeling now.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yep John Columbus is a renter in town. He pays no property taxes.

  7. Bev,

    If people want to see what happens just look north of the border. I watched New Ipswich, NH go up for sale over taxes and schools. All we need is a housing downturn and its a perfect storm. We have 25% or more of the town for sale. The foreclosures would be behind on taxes, so would lingering for sale homes and the town would be screwed.

    Mark my words, this school will do more harm to this town overall than good. The entire school system is going to overwhelm this town unless something is done.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. CAN anything be done before this is built? or are we screwed. The school took 4 no votes and turned them into a yes, can this school vote be reversed in any legal way?

  9. brad hows the new blog you and jeffy were going to start?
    if this ones so bad why do you keep reading and comment?
    My point you missed was we are now paying more above and beyond what we voted to increase.
    DOR gets nothing right that i can see in my opinion. Like the notice to all business accounts ID numbers being changed.
    My guess is they were hacked and they want it to smell like something else happened.
    So when a ranch rots from mold and falls into the cellar hole does that offset the 280K
    Or when the Templeton wind farm produces nothing but a bill every day do the rates go down?
    How many variance needs are there to deal with or are they exempt?

  10. Yep DO is stupid, This town is screwed! We will be stuck with an overpriced behemoth that will endanger children. It's all about the children.

    These are the same people who brought you the wood chip boiler to replace functioning oil burners.
    So how's that working out.

    How about that wind turbine? When was the last time you saw that thing generate electricity? That's a 4 million dollar lawn ornament.

    You know the rules.
    How do you know Bob M's comment of 25 % is a lie?

    25 % will most likely be a low ball figure for houses in Templeton up for sale.

    But wasn't that the whole goal anyway. Force out the elderly with exorbitant taxes.

    Keep the churn and turnover in housing going so real estate agents can keep making their commissions?

    Isn't that how that works?

    Sell the same house 4 or 5 times that adds up to a good living!

  11. Mrs Farrel and Puffy,

    My 25% is not "fact" it's actually very low according what I was told by Brokers in Real Estate and witnessed first hand by living there 2 months of every year. The Brokers mentioned 50% of the town was for sale.

    Just Google it and you'll see things like 2014 taxes rose 23+% or over $5/1000 of which almost $4 was based on school costs.

    Now they are paying just short of $27.89 of which $18.48 is for the school.

    This New School is a joke. It's going to ruin Templeton Center, endanger kids, be inaccessible and bankrupt the town that has not seen fit to do an audit in 3 years. Oh, can you say bond rating????

    If this is the result of the best political minds in Templeton then we are in deep dodoo.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Huff, check yourself.

    Can you read? I distinctly said it was not "fact" but a prediction based on what I've seen happen in New Ipswich.............Reading comprehension Huff.

  13. My taxes went up $116 last year, and another $112 this year. The school that was pushed through isn't even factored in yet. At already another $225.00 a month without an added service it would be time to sell if haven't the town wasn't already vacant...

  14. In regards to the school fiasco. Is there a by-law that states a certain percentage of the voting population has to turn out to vote for a financial bill to be passed? The signage for this election was almost nonexistent compared to ANY other town election. I try to vote in local elections but I had no idea that is was coming up. I've only recently found this site, and I have neither cable tv or a newspaper. The turn out was small for a population of 6500 people, only 1300 voted (20%). So 800 people forced an average household debt of over $8000 on every house in Templeton.

  15. Dan,
    There is no recourse. The voters voted this school project in. It is what it is.

    I don't know how they will borrow for the project without a bond rating. It is unreasonable to think that any bank would give money to a town without a bond rating. Especially 50 million dollars!
