Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Meetings December 9th

Meetings December 9th

Wednesday 12/9/15 

Housing Authority*                       Bridge St                  4:00 pm

Historical                                      Boynton PL              7:00 pm

* Still no action on the tree growing out of the Tucker Building chimney:

Maybe next year the a tree lighting ceremony will include this tree.


  1. Congratulations to those who worked hard on getting us the over priced school on the postage sized lot. If I were looking for a place to live it is doubtful this scenario would draw me to the community that made this decision. Once again congratulations.

  2. Baldwin,

    I'll second that congrats and ad a rip roaring............ what the "heck" (trying to be pc) I didn't realize we had so many idiots in this town.
    Look at your tax bills over the past decade mine changes in some cases +15.4 to -20.9 all this while we have a law that says 2.5% per year max.

    2014 tax assesment went down 0.3% and taxes went up 14.7%. Placing this megastamp school on our town budget while we have no bond rating, no audit for 2013,14,15 while being generous enough to cover Phillipston students is rather odd.
    Is it the Floride.....LOL. This town usually votes conservative, but now loves big government. They push Historic town issues then approve a megastamp that is an outdated design. What about the police and school excess 2 levels???

    We should all prepare to build a New Fire station, Highway garage as I'm sure it will shortly be in the agenda. We need to build monuments, c'mon, we cant build purpose driven buildings. Anyone notice that our police station has grown substantially over the past couple decades without the population to drive it.

    Remember it being in Baldwinville and unmanned???? Is Templeton that dangerous now?

    The school system has been killing this town financially for years. Look at above tax rates.

    Oh well, all government buildings have trees growing through them eventually as maintenance is never afforded
