Friday, April 15, 2016

'Gansett Sees More Students Going To Monty Tech

'Gansett Sees More Students Going To Monty Tech
Tara Vocino

TEMPLETON –– An in­creased number of students have chosen to attend 
Monta­chusett Regional Voca­tional Technical School over Narra­gansett Regional 
High School, causing budget complications and a buzz around town.

According to interim Town Administrator Bob Markel, Monty Tech’s student 

 population from Templeton is increasing from 99 to 112 students in the fall, 
resulting in a $97,000 increased assessment.

“It was an assessment of $611,000, and it went up to $708,000,” Markel said.

‘Gansett has 1,355 students in the district between elementary schools and the 

middle/high school.

Markel explained that the assessment is what they have to pay.

“They send us a letter giving us the assessment,” Markel said.

“We have to pay that assessment based on the number of students that we send.”

Losing another 13 students would represent a loss in funds for Narragansett of 

about $143,000, as Markel said it costs about $11,000 per student to attend
 ‘Gansett, but some of that money is reimbursed from the state.

Markel said that the request won’t mean a cut in people or services.

“It’s a question (among the other requests that we have) on new initiatives that 

we can’t do,” Markel said.

“It doesn’t mean that we have a budget problem.

It just means the money we had available for other needs is reduced.”

He added that all departments are fully funded with $47,000 unallocated 

available revenue.

Markel said in another fund, Templeton received $31,000 from the Mass­achusetts

Emergency Man­agement Agency for the Jan. 26-28 snowstorm.

“It’s very good news,” Markel said.

He added that Templeton has already paid for the other snowstorms.


  1. There is a reason kids want to go to Monty Tech, They think our school system is a joke and they are correct. I know numerous students that left to go to Monty Tech and everyone of them Excelled and were much better educated and treated like an adult. This is great news for the students that want to go but don't get the chance because of the limit.
    AND it has nothing to do with the condition of buildings, its the administration.

    1. Monty Tech was meant for the kids who would have had problems gettig a real job. That has changed 1000/0. Monty Tech now takes the best of the best, and leaves the kid that could use it left out int the cold.

  2. wee put. not to mention "joe's plumbing" and "dave's electric" pay more than mc d's and dunkin d's!!!!

  3. MT is a trade school, that is what Monty tech is every student should have the right to take up a trade in lew and along with high school . Students
    own interest in this way helps long life pursuit MT was not for behavior issue EVER , but only a ladder to better resolve students time and interest , resolving then addition to entering the work force , All the trades offer at MT are ones job related to the district or so it was , This can only help employers and money well spent and many students even further there education form there , Again out come education sucks every child should be given a credit to fund there own education and wants , this decision alone would cause great changes in the student them selves and there intrest in school pride would be water in this way , fact is those who may be left behind at NRHS may end up without education ion my view , due to the ran sacking regulation and manners in which the school personal concerns with greedy wages This has ruin a fair taxation of all private citizen parties in Templeton . paying more for unbalance system more of less the behavior school ? which is only an well establish entrance level school whereby all state advancements have to cause a repeater many of the teaching there in high school , its like freestanding grocery store whereby only the employees matter , , where are the lawyers and engineers the social advance, that have real ideas and progress projects that pay for them selves everything ends up in the end at the grocery store , this issue is good choices

  4. education is not political correctness but an investment in human personal , should be a nexus to free thinking republic where by values are not prohibited by nevus instructors , but open ideals with freedom of speech more broadly held then the entitlements of cost , but only when the money is spent and real value becomes the circumstance
    massvocals .

  5. Gansett offered a wide range of shop and industrial arts when i went in the mid 70s.
    Electrical,drafting,hydraulics,wood,metal and many others like welding.
    I still use and will continue to use things i was taught in the mid 70s.
    One needs to look back and see what went wrong and why in order to solve the education crisis we have now. Our country spend the most and comes in 30th.
    Why don't we teach about elections and town government?
    Economics of the town budget?
    When they get old enough to help out they will see why we have the problems we do.
    With the electric bills so high at Gansett why no solar panels to lower the bill?
    If you think the wind turbine helps the school you are partly correct they recieve 5,000.00 Enough power for less than 2 weeks.
    Gansett is a cash cow for the TMLWP and i can prove it.
    Vote Dave Smart L+W commission

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Huff n Puff posts we can not see if only we knew who he be.
    All his posts here would all let be.
    Freedom of speech comes only with an ID.
    Bring credibility to your posts Huffy man up "if" you can!
