Saturday, April 16, 2016

Vote Farrell For Board of Health

Vote Farrell For Board of Health

Excerpt from Southbridge BOH Meeting 4.14.16:

Contaminated Wells Force Central Mass. Residents To Live On Bottled Water For Months


The contamination in the wells in Charlton and Southbridge can be traced back to the landfill. That landfill is operated by Casella. The people with private, contaminated wells in Charlton and Southbridge are told by their Boards of Health  that the toxins in their wells are from laundry detergent!

What is happening to the people in Charlton and Southbridge could easily have happened in Templeton. 

Our landfill was closed because of a plume of "something" was leaking from our old unlined landfill and headed toward the wells on Maple St. Those wells supply some our public drinking water.

Landfills, even landfills that are lined will always leak.

If Casella is denied a permit to expand their landfill in Southbridge, where do you think they look for a new site?

Vote for Julie Farrell  Board of Health 





  1. Flash back just hit me when the FFFFFF bomb was thrown at the lady who spoke up.
    Just as he has no business on any Board so do the ones in our town who are out of control.
    For the Board of health member to do this is so over the top she should be allowed his chair and he should be removed/recalled.
    The Dump in our back yard could pose a threat to our drinking water resources.
    The Maple street wells are contaminated by the old unlined dump or by the the flood areas they are in. Your Water department would be looking to increase your water rates to cover the expenses to drill for a new water source. Previous drilling and tests were done at the Radigan property on Brooks village rd and were not successful due to the type of equipment used. Would it be the ability to hire the correct type of equipment is lacking in the department and the commission? After all they are new at every thing they do.
    At least they "now" know how to thaw out frozen pipes.
    TMLWP commissioner

    1. We do things right over here !!!! That Dana ?. Oh yea, they will see how high they will jack up your water rates, until someone figures out you are being robbed. Until people figure it out and speak up, you will pay more. And more. Vote for Dave l&W, Julie Bd. Of Health/Selectmen.
