Friday, May 13, 2016





  1. We are being poisoned by a whole host of chemicals but none so obvious as fluoride. Because we have let the poison fluoride into our homes we feel everything is fine and dandy, this is a mistake, fluoride is a very toxic substance even if the government says it is good for your teeth. Tomorrow at town meetng articles nineteen and twenty concern fluoride please come make a difference in your health by voting yes on the infant formula warning and Special Legislation to help end water fluoridation.

  2. The Farrells' have the right to put these articles on the Town Meeting Warrant. Some cannot see the trees through the forest. I hope with all my heart, that some day we do not find out that fluoride has caused irreparable damage that we cannot even imagine, to our friends and their children. Why have other towns and states done away with this archaic practice ?? Because fluoride is a poison !!

  3. Before you come to town meeting and vote no on the fluoride articles take the time to watch 10 Facts About Fluoride just above. What kind of person would know this kind of information and still vote to continue water fluoridation? What kind of person would sit at home and allow others to poison them and their families?

  4. I guess all but 40 of us Pete. Add 30 for good measure.
    My guess not any of the 30 watched the 10 facts about Fluoride either.
    No drama aside they will need it later in life when they expect the kids they don't protect now to care for them when they are in need. They don't care about the fluoride their kids are exposed to now.
    Unlike hundreds of other communities do.
    Why doesn't Worcester use Fluoride?
    Do they know it's not good for their kids?
    If it helped they would push to have it added to the water there.
    They Don't for a good reason.
    They protect their kids!!!
